A woman sitting under a tree with a laptop.

Female students who are the first in the family to attend university are much more likely to suffer mental health issues compared to their male counterparts, research has revealed.

16 December 2021
An octopus swimming through a coral reef.

The unique brainpower of octopuses – known for their intelligence and Houdini-like escapes – has been revealed by University of Queensland researchers.

22 November 2021
Woman standing in front of a purple sign.

As a teenager Jemima Hutton never dreamed that she would go to university, let alone study medicine at The University of Queensland.

4 November 2021
Woman sitting in front of a microphone smiling.

Until she attended a careers information fair, final-year University of Queensland journalism student Sarah Richards thought teaching art was where her future lay.

1 November 2021
Woman holding a red heart over her stomach.

Women with undiagnosed endometriosis will have difficulty falling pregnant without IVF, according to a University of Queensland study.

6 October 2021
Rosie Stoke studies "small" babies and their lifelong health risks

MD-PhD candidate Rosie Stoke has won The University of Queensland’s 2021 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition and will go on to represent UQ in the Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition next month.

16 September 2021
An artists impression of the new material, with nitrogen atoms included in two layers of honeycomb-patterned graphene.

As silicon-based technology reaches its absolute limits, a material engineered by University of Queensland researchers could herald the next generation of electronics with more memory, faster speeds and advanced features.

8 July 2021
Woman tying shoelace.

A set of physical activity for pregnancy guidelines, developed by The University of Queensland and CQUniversity, was released by the Australian Government Department of Health on Mother’s Day.

9 May 2021
Rebecca Ananian-Welsh and Peter Greste standing next to each other in a large lobby with wooden panelling

Employees and journalists who expose organisational corruption are in danger of criminal charges under severe and complex national security laws, according to University of Queensland academics.

30 April 2021
woman in exercise gear lying on a yoga mat in front of a lap top, doing scissor kicks

Increased physical activity could reduce the chance of heavy menstrual periods in women who are overweight or obese, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

19 April 2021
Lakeisha Patterson standing in front of a white backdrop, wearing an Australian uniform

Six-time Paralympic Swimming medallist Lakeisha Patterson OAM’s preparations for the Tokyo Paralympic Games have been boosted by a University of Queensland Sporting Scholarship.

22 March 2021

An expert in Indigenous architecture, a noted historian and a history-making teacher joined a raft of talented University of Queensland alumni recognised in the 2021 Australia Day honours.

29 January 2021
Fruit of the Anyakngarra, also known as pandanus. The soft base is made into a drink and their nuts are an excellent source of fat and protein.

Archaeologists are generating a 65,000-year-old rainfall record from ancient food scraps found at Australia’s earliest-known site of human occupation.

26 January 2021