UQ medical students get hands-on training as part of the Central Queensland and Wide Bay Regional Medical Pathway.

One hundred future doctors will be training in the Darling Downs and South West regions within three years - set to ramp up to 120 each year by 2026 - in a partnership between universities and health services.

6 December 2021
An artists impressions showing the the semi-trailer with scanning equipment visible in the trailer

A semi-trailer will be converted into the world’s first mobile lung cancer screening facility to help boost early detection and increase survival rates in rural and remote Queensland where access to specialists is limited.

29 November 2021
Cigarette smoke on black background.

University of Queensland researchers have called on governments to quicken the pace towards a smoke-free Australia by increasing their attention on reducing the availability of cigarettes.

15 November 2021
Magnifying glass over skin cancer.

University of Queensland researchers will lead the creation of a national blueprint for screening melanoma - one of Australia’s most common and deadly cancers.

3 November 2021
Doctor showing woman website on digital device.

A calculator to help people understand their risk factors for COVID-19 infection and vaccination has been launched by the Immunisation Coalition in collaboration with Australian researchers.

25 October 2021
A couple holding hands while walking on the grass.

More than 2,100 babies are stillborn in Australia every year – a statistic that hasn’t changed in nearly 30 years.

15 October 2021
Group of I-ASIST trained individuals.

A training program to build Indigenous Australians’ skills in preventing suicides has brought national acclaim for a University of Queensland researcher.

10 September 2021
Artwork by Mandy Draper.

Improving the impact of high dementia rates on Indigenous Australians and communities is the focus of a University of Queensland-led telehealth project with a global track record of success.

12 August 2021
Black-and-white photograph of woman smoking.

Encouraging young women to quit smoking has taken on added importance after University of Queensland research showed associations between smoking, early menopause and lung cancer.

29 July 2021
Women putting sunscreen on arm.

Regular and interactive text messaging has been shown to be an effective way to help young people avoid sunburn by changing their behaviour.

15 July 2021
Group of women with arms around each other.

Women recovering from endometrial cancer require health professionals to provide them with individualised weight management plans to assist with their recovery, a University of Queensland study has shown.

14 July 2021
Dr Laura Genovesi in the research lab.

A genetic map of an aggressive childhood brain tumour called medulloblastoma has helped researchers identify a new generation anti-cancer drug that can be repurposed as an effective treatment for the disease.

7 July 2021
Bottle of pills tipped over.

The number of people prescribed opioids in Queensland increased more than 11-fold in two decades, but most prescriptions were in a low-dose range, according to University of Queensland-led research.

28 June 2021
Women deliberating taking medication

Doctors need more evidence to help patients stop taking antidepressants safely and effectively, a collaborative study with The University of Queensland has found.

23 April 2021

Researchers are calling for greater support for young mothers to reduce the incidence of child abuse after a study found children of mothers under 20 – and their subsequent siblings - were most at risk.

16 April 2021
Baby on baby scale.

For the first time in Australia, researchers can accurately predict if babies are at risk of childhood obesity by the age of eight to nine years of age.

6 April 2021
Grass trees with pollen in the wind.

New research has revealed a potential link between pollen from certain grass species and respiratory health issues such as asthma and hay fever.

12 March 2021