University of Queensland graduand Jack Hill has been appointed Youth Governor of Queensland for 2020, working to amplify the voice of young people across the state.

12 December 2019
Wombat skulls seem to be changing to match their diets

Flexible jaws may help wombats better survive in a changing world by adapting to climate change’s effect on vegetation and new diets in conservation sanctuaries.

5 November 2019

Australia’s world-first evolutionary discoveries will be showcased in a public lecture at The University of Queensland next week.

3 October 2019
Scientists undertook an experiment in space to better understand Quantum Mechanics

Scientists have challenged one of the great mysteries of physics – by undertaking an experiment in space proposed by The University of Queensland a decade ago.

30 September 2019
The first new quantum state in the family of hypercubes states shown in position, momentum space.

It has been said that the internet exists chiefly to show videos of cats interacting with boxes.

11 July 2019

A 24-tonne dinosaur may have walked in a ‘high-heeled’ fashion, according to University of Queensland research.

17 May 2019
Dr Ubide and her team have analysed variations in the chemical composition of volcanic crystals

Research shedding light on the internal “plumbing” of volcanoes may help scientists better understand volcanic eruptions and unrest.

1 March 2019

Baby birds and eggs are on the menu for at least 94 species of animals in Australia’s forests and woodlands, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

24 January 2019