Gaythorne’s Cameron Eckersley will graduate from The University of Queensland next week armed with a Bachelor of Environmental Management (BEnvMan) as well as a sharp global outlook thanks to his additional diploma studies.

11 December 2012
The winning entry of the 2012 POLSIS International Photography Competition.

An animated film on the theme of overconsumption and a striking image from the West Bank have taken top honours at the 2012 Photography Competition organised by the School of Political Science and International Studies.

2 November 2012

A unique assessment tool which helps identify and build on strengths in young people at risk has been developed by Dr Julie Bower from The University of Queensland's School of Education.

3 October 2012

Could traditional research methods be missing the big picture?

3 October 2012

Teaching is no longer restricted just to the classroom, with students now venturing outdoors to learn how to connect with their environment and develop the values, knowledge and practices of environmental sustainability.

3 October 2012

At four years old Dr Fiona Barlow told her mother she would make improving race-relations in Australia a priority.

20 September 2012

Better and more consistent involvement of families in child protection decision-making is a key goal of the research undertaken by Professor Karen Healy from UQ’s School of Social Work and Human Services.

18 September 2012

With an ageing population and the competing interests of the individual, the family, service providers, the market and the state in the use of older people’s financial assets, protection and quality management of such assets has never been more...

17 September 2012

A UQ study has found that while obesity rates have been partly attributed to the easy access of cheap, high calorie food, many individuals exposed to the same food continue to lie well within the healthy weight range.

6 August 2012

Chronic pain relief, the employment aspirations of recently-arrived refugees, urban water use and improved animal production are among new research projects announced today in which The University of Queensland and industry partners will collaborate.

30 June 2012

Can a little bird tell us who will win in Ashgrove? Analysis of Twitter streams can provide clues to electoral outcomes, according to University of Queensland Masters research student Frances Manfield.

21 March 2012