A University of Queensland student's extraction of DNA from human bones submerged in the sea for more than 200 years is believed to be a world-first.

13 November 1998

University of Queensland researchers are developing new approaches to rehabilitating people with speech impairments due to major head trauma such as road accidents.

11 November 1998

More than 200 years after HMS Pandora struck the Great Barrier Reef and sank, a University of Queensland researcher is attempting to add to history by working on human skeletal remains recovered from the wreck by Queensland Museum archaeologists.

8 May 1998

A University of Queensland research group has isolated and sequenced a gene precursor thought to play an important role in a number of scaly skin diseases, and may indeed be the skin's natural moisturiser.

5 May 1998

A University of Queensland research team is unravelling the mysteries of keratins, the major structural proteins of the skin, which are hot medical property in the United States and Europe because of their potential role in wound healing and gene...

5 May 1998