University of Queensland engineering researchers have developed a database of building materials to help industry professionals assess the risk of combustible cladding and boost the safety of our homes and workplaces.

25 October 2019
A bucket of mixed colour broken glass which can be used in the process.

A new process turning waste glass into everyday products could save tens of millions of tonnes of glass from going to landfill every year.

22 February 2019
UQ hydrometallurgists Dr James Vaughan

With rising sales of electric cars, a new company developing more efficient production of essential battery materials is raising funds to build a demonstration plant.

9 July 2018
PhD student Edward Kerr (right) and his supervisor Ben Schulz

The growing craft beer industry is about to hop ahead with new University of Queensland research supported by the Queensland Government.

29 March 2017
The new facility will allow researchers to examine the effects of tiny drug doses in human and animal cancers

New cancer-fighting drugs and devices could emerge from The University of Queensland, thanks to a research program comparing cancers in pet animals and humans in a state-of-the-art imaging facility opened today.

28 March 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
Dr Arnold Wiliem

Pathology testing plays a crucial role in the health care system, making up 70 per cent of the scientific basis for medical diagnosis – but the turnaround on test results can takes days for people living outside major cities.

21 June 2016
The group of executives after the signing, in Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden.

Shanghai-based Baosteel Group will provide approximately $10 million in additional funds to continue the momentum of a successful research and development centre that combines the expertise of four Australian universities with the industrial...

29 March 2016
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
The water system in Manila was dramatically improved

Until 1997, water supplies in downtown Manila were beset with infrastructure problems such as leaks, widespread unauthorised access and contamination.

11 September 2015