Only 40 per cent of forests are considered to have high ecological integrity, according to a new global measure, the Forest Landscape Integrity Index.

9 December 2020
A research assistant at the ENGO Corales de Paz (Mariana Gnecco) is cleaning the rope coral nursery with a sophisticated cleaning tool, at San Andres, an island in the Colombian Caribbean. Photo: Corales de Paz.

The most successful and cost-effective ways to restore coral reefs have been identified by an international group of scientists, after analysing restoration projects in Latin America.

12 August 2020

Australia’s renewable energy research capacity has been boosted with the completion of The University of Queensland’s 64 megawatt solar farm at Warwick in the state’s south east.

17 July 2020
An Australian sea lion raises its head to the sky

Populations of Australia’s threatened mammals have declined by 38 per cent on average in 20 years, yet research shows conservation efforts have led to significant recoveries.

23 April 2020
Sharks swimming together in the ocean with a blue sky above

It’s not too late to rescue global marine life, according to a study outlining the steps needed for marine ecosystems to recover from damage by 2050.

2 April 2020
Moreton Bay near Brisbane ... healthy oceans are critical to all life on Earth

Climate change is not being taken into account in the design and management of marine parks, according to research featuring University of Queensland scientists.

5 December 2019

The combined toxicity of 22 of the most common pesticides found in waterways flowing into the Great Barrier Reef is in many cases not meeting pollution reduction targets.

25 October 2019
Coral reefs are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth

Global warming and acidifying oceans are creating an intense competition between coral and algae that both are set to lose.

18 March 2019

New research has revealed that human threats – like hunting and land clearing – are severely limiting the areas in which species can survive.

13 March 2019
Staghorn  corals  recently  killed  by  the  mass  bleaching  start  to  get  covered  by  a  thick  layer  of  filamentous  algae.  Image: Pedro Frade

A team of international marine scientists working with The University of Queensland has found evidence to suggest the 2016 coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef also affected deep reefs.

5 September 2018
UQ Global Change Institute Director Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Scientists have identified a portfolio of the world’s reefs most likely to survive the coming decades, using principles from the financial investment world.

28 June 2018
Chasing Coral

A new Netflix documentary, Chasing Coral, is about to hit the world’s small screens.

14 July 2017
The research vessel JOIDES Resolution, photo by Arito Sakaguchi, IODP/TAMU. Wikipedia Creative Commons.

Climate change around Antarctica can severely affect Australia’s rainfall and even influence the distribution of wet and dry zones across southeast Asia, an international study has revealed.

11 May 2017
Swiss ketch Fleur de Passion

A Swiss yacht on an epic research expedition to map the world’s oceans will host University of Queensland marine scientists on the Great Barrier Reef in March and April

22 March 2017
US Secretary of State John Kerry signs the COP21 UN Climate Change agreement.

As the dust settles following Donald Trump’s shock US presidential win, researchers from Queensland, South Africa and the US believe it is not all doom and gloom for the environmental community.

15 December 2016
Giant mantas can grow up to seven metres across, weighing up to 1350kg, but the average size is four to five metres.  Photo: Andrea Marshall

Research revealing that giant manta rays are deep-sea predators is likely to be critical to efforts to protect the species.

30 November 2016
Dr Alize Ferrari (Queensland Centre for Mental Health),  Associate Professor Margaret Mayfield, School of Biological Sciences and Director of the Ecology Centre and Dr Eugenia Sampayo, School of Biological Sciences and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies

Three University of Queensland researchers have been honoured in the inaugural Women in Research Citation Awards for their influential work in public health and plant and marine ecology.

26 October 2016
The ocean is Melanesia’s lifeblood, sustaining a diverse range of natural assets such as fish stocks, coral reefs and mangroves. Photo: Catlin Seaview Survey

Marine scientists have proposed a prosperity path for Melanesia, in a report that values the region’s ocean assets at more than half a trillion US dollars.

18 October 2016

Issues critical to communities across the world will be discussed at an international symposium in Brisbane from September 22 to 25.

20 September 2016
A school of Blackspotted rubberlip form a dense school on a reef in the Western Indian Ocean. Photo: Tane Sinclair-Taylor.

Researchers including University of Queensland and Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) scientists have discovered a handful of “bright spots” among the world’s embattled coral reefs, offering the promise of a radical new approach...

16 June 2016