Green office representative Bridget Waugh and school manager Heather Dixon from the School of Social Science, which won the 2010 Most Improved Award

Staff at The University of Queensland are embracing the green office culture, with 87 volunteers promoting environmental practices and awareness across all four campuses.

4 June 2010

Farming kangaroos is an issue most Australians would rather hop away from, but an upcoming UQ seminar will explore why it might be time to revisit the debate.

27 May 2010

University of Queensland research has shown almost 50 percent of same-sex attracted women over the age of 34 have children in their lives and most want to marry.

24 May 2010

And it’s happening in The Hive, a new student collaborative space in the library named by UQ first-years Tara Burton and Shaun Restorick-Barton.

19 May 2010
Sticky Fingers by Karishma Patel, one of last year's winning entries

Following last year’s success, UQ’s School of Political Science and International Studies is delighted to launch the 2010 International Photography Competition.

19 May 2010
Zuzana Petovska on fieldwork in the Tiwi Islands

UQ’s Rotary Peace Fellows will present their experiences of contemporary peacebuilding during their annual seminar on May 22nd.

17 May 2010

UQ will kick off National Archaeology Week by presenting one of the world’s leading experts on the ancient environment of the Amazon.

7 May 2010
Journalisim students Kim Smith and Adam Evans interview Brenda Nadjiwan at World Press Freedom Day

UQ students will take advantage of a rare opportunity to speak with and learn from world-renowned journalists when they cover World Press Freedom Day, held at the St Lucia campus from May 1-3.

30 April 2010

Marine science, climate change, and the impact of humans on the environment are explored in five new artworks installed at The University of Queensland's Moreton Bay Research Station.

22 April 2010

A new study at The University of Queensland is exploring the needs and experiences of people with dementia and their carers as they stop driving.

4 March 2010

University of Queensland research suggests that the presence of a beautiful woman can lead men to throw caution to the wind.

1 March 2010

Two new European studies show how The University of Queensland’s Triple P – Positive Parenting Program can treat childhood depression and tame out-of-control teenagers.

16 February 2010

Parents can now access an "online instruction manual" when the task of raising and caring for children seems overwhelming.

13 January 2010