A new Australian collaborative Autism CRC study, led by Mater Research and The University of Queensland, has challenged the growing popular belief that the gut microbiome drives autism.

12 November 2021
A group of people standing on the steps of a building holding awards.

Champions of inclusive education have been celebrated at this year’s University of Queensland Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

2 November 2021
Woman's outstretched hand to camera, obscuring her face

An expert panel of University of Queensland researchers is examining the issue of sexual consent and will make recommendations to governments and schools about how to better teach young Australians about sexual violence.

14 September 2021
Person with head in their hands against red brickwall.

Screening and early interventions to address loneliness, sleep disturbances and alcohol consumption can help to reduce the association between being bullied at school and suicidal behaviours, a new study has found.

10 June 2021
Magnifying glass over social media icons.

The success of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout will depend on everyone’s willingness to receive it. But experts have warned vaccine misinformation online puts Australia’s communities at risk, and some more than others.

5 May 2021

The high rate of adolescent motherhood across developing countries isn’t shifting, with reductions either modest or absent in some regions and rising in others, according to University of Queensland-led research.

25 November 2020
Consumer Directed Care is affecting mental health. Image: Pexels

Sweeping changes to national aged care funding in the past decade have resulted in worse mental health for older Australians, University of Queensland research shows.

30 September 2020
Stock image: two wines glasses with white wine on a table

University of Queensland researchers reveal how alcohol advertisers are using social media to prey on parents and encourage drinking as a way to cope with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

31 August 2020

There is no playbook for parenting in a pandemic, but parents now have a podcast they can turn to for help.

24 April 2020

Research to help Australian families break the cycle of disadvantage and stop the gap between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ widening will continue at The University of Queensland.

25 October 2019

Parents will be pleased to know that more is not always better when it comes to play equipment for their children.

17 September 2019
LGBTQI graphic

Diversity training for physiotherapists could help overcome care concerns among LGBTIQ+ clients, a University of Queensland study has found.

9 April 2019
Rainbow socks in running shoes

Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) Australians continue to experience significant disadvantage when it comes to health and wellbeing compared to their heterosexual peers, a University of Queensland study has found.

14 December 2018
Dr Tom Aechtner ... Over the past decade communities in scientifically advanced nations have experienced devastating vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks

The influence of media and religion on anti-vaccine attitudes in Australia will be the focus of University of Queensland research enabled by a Westpac Bicentennial Foundation fellowship.

16 February 2017
The research focused exclusively on recreational bodybuilders, to understand how their motivations to use drugs, and patterns of use.

Prohibition is failing to curb recreational bodybuilders’ use of performance and image-enhancing drugs, and the policy is sexist and causes harm, according to participants in a first-of-its-kind University of Queensland study.

9 November 2016

Joining a book club after retirement could extend your life just as much as doing weekly exercise.

16 February 2016
Good social support for mums - before and after birth - prevents mental health decline.

New mums are at lower risk of postnatal depression if they stay connected with their important social networks.

29 September 2015
Adolescents can use exclusion to get others offside and isolate them, thereby exerting their own dominance and power in a group.

A UQ researcher has found that social exclusion among teens can be more harmful than direct bullying.

3 September 2015
Leaders who create a shared sense of purpose and identity within their work teams can help improve employee health and wellbeing.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found managers can increase productivity levels and prevent burnout by helping employees feel part of a group.

17 December 2014
Leafy-green better than lean

An office enriched with plants makes staff happier and boosts productivity by 15 per cent, a University of Queensland researcher has found.

1 September 2014