Bleaching on Lizard Island 2016. Photo: XL Catlin Seaview Survey.

More than half of the corals in many parts of the Great Barrier Reef are dying as unprecedented mass bleaching spreads across Australia’s coral reefs.

20 April 2016
Sir David Attenborough, as he appears while introducing the interactive website

University of Queensland scientific research on the Great Barrier Reef is in the international spotlight with this week’s launch of an interactive website to complement a BBC television series to be released on 30 December.

23 December 2015
The harlequin tuskfish is a predatory wrasse found on the Great Barrier Reef. It was found to express four classes of opsins, including the UV-sensitive SWS1 opsin, despite having UV-blocking ocular media. Photo: Steve Parish.

Understanding how fish "see" is helping a team of international scientists increase their knowledge of the Great Barrier Reef's biodiversity.

24 November 2015

Climate forecasts to 2050 suggest sorghum is set to remain Queensland’s top crop as temperatures rise and rainfall decreases across the State.

16 November 2015
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
US Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio joined UQ's Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg at an international conference about oceans.

The University of Queensland’s acclaimed marine biologist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg has joined US President Barack Obama and actor Leonardo DiCaprio at an international conference on ways to protect the world’s oceans.

19 June 2014

The world’s seagrass meadows are in trouble – but Australian scientists say early action can save them, even as sea levels rise.

25 September 2013
Red knots are one of the species already under pressure. Photo: ROB CLEMENS

Millions of shorebirds and some species could be lost as sea levels rise in coming decades, say UQ scientists who are working as part of an international environmental team.

6 May 2013

John Pandolfi keeps his optimism alive despite the grim scientific evidence he confronts daily that the world’s coral reefs are in a lot of trouble – along with 81 nations and 500 million people who depend on them.

10 July 2012
“The concentrating photovoltaic solar tracking array is a high-visibility flagship for the overall UQ solar project.” Professor Paul Meredith

The University of Queensland’s $7.75 million solar power system at St Lucia in Brisbane has reached a milestone, with installation completed on one of the project’s most visible components.

6 April 2011
Honours Student, Mirta Zupan, working on the new CCM aquaria. Photo by Dr David Kline.

In a world first, a new ‘state of the art’ climate change experimental facility has been completed at the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Heron Island Research Station.

7 December 2010

New research highlighting coastal locations where coral can better withstand rising sea temperatures, a leading cause of stress to coral reefs, may guide efforts to conserve the largest living structures on Earth.

24 November 2010

Australian marine scientists have expressed disquiet over the continued worldwide spread of large, dead zones in the ocean.

24 November 2010

The Global Change Institute small grant recipients for 2010 have been announced and illustrate the breadth and depth of research activities at The University of Queensland.

22 November 2010

The Global Change Institute at The University of Queensland will host renowned scientist and author, Professor Naomi Oreskes, on November 16, for the Brisbane leg of her Australian tour.

10 November 2010
An example of deforestation in Kalimantan, Indonesia

How much does it really cost to stop deforestation?

26 February 2010