K'gari funnel web spider

Using deadly spider venom to treat heart attacks is one of many new discoveries currently being developed at a national research centre headquartered at The University of Queensland.

25 August 2022
A man with grey hair and wearing a white shirt sits clasping his hands

Australia’s first dedicated children’s immunotherapy centre will investigate treatments to increase the survival of kids with cancer and improve their ongoing quality of life.

24 August 2022
A woman in glasses sits at a desk in a home office looking worried.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia has had a greater financial and psychological impact on women than men.

23 August 2022
woman in blue shirt sits on a bed and looks out of a window

A University of Queensland study has found there are still barriers to terminating a pregnancy in Queensland, more than three years after the practice was decriminalised.

23 August 2022
A woman lying on a bed undergoing a sonogram with a concerned look on her face

University of Queensland researchers are calling for screening of perinatal depression (PND) for all women during pregnancy, after finding women with persistent depression are at high risk of developing the condition.

18 August 2022
A closeup photo of fingers holding a lit cigarette with smoke wafting in the background.

Rising cigarette prices have overtaken health concerns as the biggest motivator for people to cut down or stop smoking.

17 August 2022
An adult hand holds a bandaged child's hand in the foreground, the child lays in a hospital bed.

Stopping children undergoing chemotherapy from feeling pain and other debilitating side-effects is the focus of research underway at The University of Queensland.

12 August 2022
Research assistants Mia Johnston, Alana Pettigrew, Rebecca Flanaghan and Michael Cox (L to R), with Assoc. Prof. Rhonda Faragher and Dr Jan Lloyd (behind). Supplied.

Young adults living with Down syndrome have high aspirations and a great zest for life according to an Australian first study by researchers from The University of Queensland.

10 August 2022
A child blowing nose

University of Queensland-led research has found the lining of children’s noses is better at inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infections than adult noses.

4 August 2022
A hand holding a cannister containing the vaccine patch.

A needle-free vaccine patch could better fight COVID-19 variants, such as Omicron and Delta, than a traditional needle vaccine according to a University of Queensland study in mice.

28 July 2022
Chuck and Helga Feeney sitting down and smiling. Helga has her arm across Chuck's shoulders.

Throughout the 2000s, The Atlantic Philanthropies (founded by American philanthropist Chuck Feeney) gave more than $100 million to UQ to help establish the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and...

27 July 2022
Man holding a vial

Groundbreaking UQ research into developing new treatments for conditions such as cancer, inflammatory diseases and type 1 diabetes has received recognition and funding support from a national incubator for biomedical startup companies.

20 July 2022
Packets of red coloured throat lozenges on a white background. Adobe

Sore throat is a common symptom of COVID and its newer variants. And of course, many sore throats are caused by viral colds or flu, so they can be treated at home. The most common treatment is probably throat lozenges – but do they really work any...

15 July 2022
A woman scientist in a laboratory

Australian researchers may be a step closer to preventing Type 1 diabetes after identifying a crucial protein that could prevent the autoimmune disease from taking hold.

14 July 2022
Forgan Smith buildig at UQ

The University of Queensland will invest $50 million over seven years increasing research capabilities to address the most pressing health and medical challenges at the same time as creating economic opportunities.

13 July 2022
A digital illustration of a digestive system with a person standing behind it

Researchers have isolated five strains of gut bacteria that could pave the way for new inflammatory bowel disease treatments and potentially help prevent some forms of bowel cancer.

5 July 2022
A woman holding hand of another woman

Women with a history of miscarriage and stillbirth have a higher risk of stroke in later life, according to University of Queensland research.

23 June 2022
Family in refugee camp in Sudan

University of Queensland researcher Nyakuoy Yak started life on the run from armed soldiers in Sudan.

20 June 2022
An Eastern Brown Snake

Some of the world’s deadliest snakes could soon be saving lives, with research from The University of Queensland showing venom could be used to stop uncontrolled bleeding.

20 June 2022

Medicines used to prevent bone loss may help lower the risk of ovarian cancer according to research by The University of Queensland.

17 June 2022