The implementation of an Indigenous-led suicide intervention program will begin in Queensland’s rural and remote communities in July.

26 June 2017

Older Game of Thrones fans planning a marathon recap before the new TV season premieres might want to reconsider binge-watching their favourite show.

22 June 2017

Catch rates of east coast Spanish mackerel have declined by 70 per cent over the past 80 years.

14 June 2017

Research into the impact of the 2011 Queensland floods on pregnant women and their babies has found stress from natural disasters affects infant development and temperament.

14 June 2017
Countries accounting for around 85 per cent of the world’s population are largely overlooked

Lack of diversity in psychological research is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, according to an Australian academic.

13 June 2017
Queensland Parliament - the Treasurer will hand down the budget tomorrow

The University of Queensland has a range of experts available to talk to media in relation to the Queensland Government Budget.

12 June 2017

Stereotypes which portray nurses as sexual objects or merely doctors’ helpers need to be smashed in order to encourage school leavers to the profession, according to a University of Queensland study.

12 June 2017
UQ PhD Candidate Hayley Williams

University of Queensland researchers are working to improve the care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with burns injuries.

12 June 2017

The Australian Research Council has awarded 14 new Future Fellowships to University of Queensland researchers.

5 June 2017
Image: Dr Magdalena Zych

Sixteenth century scientist Galileo Galilei threw two spheres of different mass from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to establish a scientific principle.

2 June 2017
The latest ARC Linkage funding announcement is 'a massive result' for UQ

Projects that link University of Queensland research with business and industry have received a $4.3 million Australian Government funding boost today.

31 May 2017

Research undertaken hand-in-hand with business and industry received a $4.3 million boost at The University of Queensland today, in the latest Australian Research Council Linkage Projects grants.

31 May 2017

Office workers who use sit-stand or treadmill desks are on track to being more productive and attentive with fewer signs of workplace stress than their sedentary chair-dwelling colleagues.

31 May 2017

The University of Queensland’s world-leading research is well positioned to benefit from a landmark deal with IP Group plc which will see A$200 million available for investment in technology from top universities in Australia and New Zealand.

30 May 2017

Australian and Chinese experts in antibiotic resistance meet today to focus their attention on one of the biggest threats to global health.

26 May 2017

A $5 million donation to The University of Queensland’s prestigious Queensland Brain Institute will transform the way world-leading researchers work with patients and doctors.

24 May 2017
Cross section of a cystic kidney - Maria Rondon Galeano, UQ IMB

A new gene behind a rare form of inherited childhood kidney disease has been identified by a global research team.

23 May 2017
Barrow Island

A team of international archaeologists say evidence from a remote cave in Australia’s North West pushes back human occupation of Australia to around 50,000 years ago.

19 May 2017
Dr Nima Gunness and her good heart muffin

Baking meets science in a delicious University of Queensland health initiative that really takes the cake.

19 May 2017
Red: Tight junction marker (Zo-1) demonstrating the apical surface. Green: Cytoskeleton marker (TUBB-3) showing the radial structure of the rosettes. Blue: Nucleus of cells (DAPI).

Researchers say a protein usually associated with the immune system could play a role in the development of neurological conditions such as epilepsy and schizophrenia.

19 May 2017