Professor Jian Yang ... it's the second year in a row that a UQ researcher has won the Frank Fenner Prize

A University of Queensland scientist whose pioneering work has helped unravel the complexity of the human genome and genetic traits has won a 2017 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.

18 October 2017

More than 20,000 commuters will get a daily reminder to be sun smart with the arrival of a new UV index display developed by a UQ engineering student.

18 October 2017
The IT program Patchwork failed to be useful

Failed information technology systems implemented in social welfare agencies – costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars - have provided valuable insight for agencies looking to adopt new systems.

29 September 2017
 UQ's Mr Nicolas Mauranyapin, Professsor Warwick Bowen and Dr Lars Madsen

A diagnostic technique that can detect tiny molecules signalling the presence of cancer could be on the horizon.

27 June 2017
The new facility will allow researchers to examine the effects of tiny drug doses in human and animal cancers

New cancer-fighting drugs and devices could emerge from The University of Queensland, thanks to a research program comparing cancers in pet animals and humans in a state-of-the-art imaging facility opened today.

28 March 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
The QCE Award winners

The University of Queensland is the university of choice for more than half of Queensland’s top performing secondary school students.

21 February 2017
Leigh Sainty and his mother Rose (right), with wife Yuka, daughter Momo and stepfather Stuart McKenzie (left)

Imagine being 36 years old, father to a young daughter, paralysed in a foreign country and unable to communicate. This happened to Australian Leigh Sainty earlier this year when he underwent drastic surgery in Japan to remove a malignant brain...

2 December 2016
Sarah Lau and Samantha Hood: Photo by Patrick Self.

Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine are invited to join forces at a networking lunch on Wednesday, 23 November.

18 November 2016
Professor Mark Kendall ... "Sir Howard Florey was a hugely inspiring individual"

A University of Queensland researcher who invented the Nanopatch – a needle-free vaccine delivery device – has been awarded the 2016 CSL Young Florey Medal.

9 November 2016
Professor Simon Biggs, the Executive Dean of UQ’s Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology ... internationally acclaimed for his research in particle, colloid and interface engineering.

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering has named a University of Queensland Executive Dean, and a prominent alumnus and adjunct Associate Professor, as Fellows.

28 October 2016
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk launching StemCARE at UQ today.

The University of Queensland today launched a new $7 million regenerative medicine research centre to improve older Australians’ quality of life and increase their participation and productivity.

17 October 2016
Clown trigger fish

Researchers at The University of Queensland have established that reef fish see colours that humans cannot.

21 September 2016

Issues critical to communities across the world will be discussed at an international symposium in Brisbane from September 22 to 25.

20 September 2016
Winning UQ technology ResApp

The University of Queensland congratulates ResApp Health Limited (ASX:RAP) following the company’s success at the global Talent Unleashed Awards in Sydney last night.

19 August 2016
Image: Siemens 3T Magnetom Trio, whole-body MRI

A University of Queensland researcher who is developing new imaging technology to diagnose and treat schizophrenia has received a $200,000 project boost.

18 August 2016
The second version of CommFit is being tested now

Dr Caitlin Brandenburg’s award-winning research is certainly something to get people talking.

25 July 2016
Alana Clover has designed a sun monitoring wrist band

Two out of three Australians will develop skin cancer before turning 70, with research showing the majority of sun damage occurs during childhood and adolescence.

23 July 2016
Dr Lim with the prototype

New technology that helps detect skin cancers early could be transformed into a commonplace tool for clinicians, thanks to research at The University of Queensland.

6 June 2016
Professor Naomi Wray (left) and Professor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

Two University of Queensland professors are among 21 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows announced in Canberra this morning.

23 May 2016