UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
Exploration is not keeping up with demand

Transition to a low-carbon society will result in enormous demand for minerals to manufacture clean technologies, creating the need for a global resource governance framework, according to research published today.

16 March 2017
The 3D Water Atlas compiles and analyses data from Surat Basin bores. Photo iStock

An open access Water Atlas has gone online, giving the general public a 3D view of groundwater data from eastern Australia’s Surat Basin.

9 December 2016

Issues critical to communities across the world will be discussed at an international symposium in Brisbane from September 22 to 25.

20 September 2016
Hong Peng ... the new method has environmental and financial benefits

North Queensland has some of Earth’s largest known bauxite deposits, but their potential has largely remained locked in the ground, until now.

18 August 2016
Inside a canga cave. Photo by Dr Gerald Hartig.

Termite guts could contribute to mining site rehabilitation and pay big dividends for the planet, thanks to University of Queensland research.

22 April 2016
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
Solar panels - like these at UQ - are being installed globally at a rate of a gigawatt every week, almost as much the total amount installed during the 20th century.

The question of whether the future will be powered by coal and oil or by renewable energy is crucially important, both to the medium-term future of the Australian economy and to the long-term future of the planet. For either to succeed, there is a...

8 January 2015