Compassionate practice is beneficial to mental health

Practising self-compassion during distressing moments can have positive effects on the brain and body, according to research from The University of Queensland.

29 April 2020

There is no playbook for parenting in a pandemic, but parents now have a podcast they can turn to for help.

24 April 2020

Some forms of domestic violence double victims’ risk of depression and anxiety disorders later in life, according to University of Queensland research.

28 January 2020

Research to help Australian families break the cycle of disadvantage and stop the gap between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ widening will continue at The University of Queensland.

25 October 2019

Parents will be pleased to know that more is not always better when it comes to play equipment for their children.

17 September 2019
LGBTQI graphic

Diversity training for physiotherapists could help overcome care concerns among LGBTIQ+ clients, a University of Queensland study has found.

9 April 2019
Rainbow socks in running shoes

Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) Australians continue to experience significant disadvantage when it comes to health and wellbeing compared to their heterosexual peers, a University of Queensland study has found.

14 December 2018
A page showing the definition of terrorism

Terrorism, religious fundamentalism, cyber-racism, political separatism and violent extremism are among topics on the agenda at a global conference at The University of Queensland.

30 July 2018
Advancing accessibility worldwide underpins the United Nations’ equity agenda of “leaving no one behind”.

Easy access to services, institutions and economic opportunities can separate thriving communities from others that are left behind socially and economically.

11 January 2018
Professor Matt sanders

An international parenting program developed at The University of Queensland is featuring in United Kingdom election campaigning.

17 May 2017
Dr Tom Aechtner ... Over the past decade communities in scientifically advanced nations have experienced devastating vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks

The influence of media and religion on anti-vaccine attitudes in Australia will be the focus of University of Queensland research enabled by a Westpac Bicentennial Foundation fellowship.

16 February 2017
Recovering drug addicts are often impaired socially

Negative stereotypes about injecting drug-users may be hampering their recovery. A study has found that recovering drug addicts who believe they are the target of stereotypes find it harder to function within society.

7 February 2017
Trump establishes himself as a champion and as a voice for people who feel unchampioned and voiceless, the professors said.

United States President-elect Donald Trump’s “crudity and incivility” increase his appeal, says a prophetic book chapter co-authored by a Queensland academic several months ago, and due to be published in the New Year.

18 November 2016
The research focused exclusively on recreational bodybuilders, to understand how their motivations to use drugs, and patterns of use.

Prohibition is failing to curb recreational bodybuilders’ use of performance and image-enhancing drugs, and the policy is sexist and causes harm, according to participants in a first-of-its-kind University of Queensland study.

9 November 2016
Military veterans' long-term suffering shows that time does not resolve all issues. (Shutterstock image).

University of Queensland researcher Dr Robyne Le Brocque believes trauma is a fact of life. That’s why the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work senior lecturer sees such importance in her role as organising committee chair of next week’s...

2 September 2016

The University of Queensland has a list of experts available for comment on issues relating to the Olympic Games Rio 2016.

3 August 2016
Gail Wiltshire.

A musical about women - for women - will raise vital funds for women’s cancer research this May.

23 March 2016

Joining a book club after retirement could extend your life just as much as doing weekly exercise.

16 February 2016
Head and brain injuries are infants' most frequent injuries from assault

Assault-related injuries are significantly more severe and lead to greater long term disability in Queensland than do childhood injuries from accidents, a child safety researcher says.

1 October 2015
Good social support for mums - before and after birth - prevents mental health decline.

New mums are at lower risk of postnatal depression if they stay connected with their important social networks.

29 September 2015