Agenesis of the corpus callosum is a partial or complete absence of nerve fibres connecting the sides of the brain.

A condition forcing people to involuntarily mirror movements in opposing limbs has been linked to a common developmental brain disorder. Scientists from The University of Queensland collaborated with international researchers to...

2 March 2017

Understanding how exercise affects language learning could help patients with brain conditions such as stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

23 February 2017
Dr Tom Aechtner ... Over the past decade communities in scientifically advanced nations have experienced devastating vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks

The influence of media and religion on anti-vaccine attitudes in Australia will be the focus of University of Queensland research enabled by a Westpac Bicentennial Foundation fellowship.

16 February 2017
The research has implications for intervention

Research by The University of Queensland may provide a better understanding of the social functioning difficulties of people with autism.

15 February 2017

A large international study has linked early puberty and childlessness with an increased risk of early menopause.

26 January 2017