A person holding a spray bottle standing in front of plants at a plant nursery

An Australian-first study by researchers from The University of Queensland has found 8 per cent of urine samples drawn from the general public contained a common weed killer.

30 September 2022
Wild dingo looking at the camera.

Cameras that spy on wildlife could provide the secrets scientists need to save vulnerable species.

17 September 2022
A close-up photo of a hand holding granules of black compost

A new way of using compost could boost global crop production and deliver huge benefits to the planet, according to a study co-led by The University of Queensland.

6 September 2022
A group of people in white coats look at machinery inside a high-tech laboratory

A new University of Queensland-led training centre is set to become a hub for world-leading research in ‘green’ plastic.

18 August 2022
A man stands at a whiteboard, writing a mathematical equation. He is smiling at the camera.

The newly launched ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture is cultivating the next crop of plant science experts.

17 August 2022
Dozens of small bees flying toward the entrance to their hive.

Scientists at the University of Queensland are buzzing about a new citizen science project investigating some of Australia’s native bee species in our own backyards.

28 June 2022
Several worms crawl over a block of polystyrene, some of them munching into it

A species of worm with an appetite for polystyrene could be the key to plastic recycling on a mass scale.

10 June 2022
A koala sleeping in a laundry basket

An AIDS-like virus plaguing Australia’s koala population is leaving them more vulnerable to chlamydia and other threatening health conditions, University of Queensland research has found.

25 May 2022
A man at a lecturn waving and a woman in a red dress watching on.

The ALP will rightly bask in this election victory. As the party’s Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek put it Saturday night: a win is a win is a win.

23 May 2022
A picture of an ocean reef

Water quality in the Great Barrier Reef will be improved thanks to a multimillion-dollar collaboration between The University of Queensland and the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.

22 April 2022
A koala sitting in a tree

Wildlife researchers at The University of Queensland have developed a new management approach which could protect the iconic koala from extinction.

20 April 2022
A koala in a gum tree.

A koala, specially bred as part of a University of Queensland-led conservation project, could turn around the fate of endangered koala colonies along Australia’s east coast.

29 March 2022
Sun shining through smoke onto high-rise buildings. Adobe

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has handed down the second instalment of its Sixth Assessment report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaption and Vulnerability.

1 March 2022
Twin girls jumping in a stream

For the first time, researchers have revealed how a person’s genes can play a part in their enjoyment of nature, potentially changing the way we look at our affinity with the natural world.

4 February 2022
Firefighters standing near a truck watching a large plume of smoke.

A world-first real-time bushfire hazard detection and warning system using artificial intelligence (AI) is under development thanks to a new partnership between The University of Queensland and Google.org, Google’s philanthropic arm.

11 December 2021
An octopus swimming through a coral reef.

The unique brainpower of octopuses – known for their intelligence and Houdini-like escapes – has been revealed by University of Queensland researchers.

22 November 2021
An image of a dinosaur walking through a misty forest.

Fossil footprints found in an Ipswich coal mine have long been thought to be that of a large ‘raptor-like’ predatory dinosaur, but scientists have found they were instead left by a timid long-necked herbivore.

22 October 2021
A cross section of a taro.

The tropical root vegetable taro, known as the ‘food of the gods’ in the Pacific, is under threat from rising sea levels but wild Australian plants being cultivated by The University of Queensland may help boost food security in the region.

21 October 2021
A light brown coloured bird sitting on a branch

Bird species across the globe are suffering and dying from a type of malaria and while these strains are not infectious to humans, they’re spreading quickly through global transmission hotspots.

8 September 2021
Salvage logging after the bushfires (Credit: David Lindenmayer)

The damage caused by the catastrophic 2019-2020 Australian bushfires could lead to a dramatic jump in the number of native species at risk, according to University of Queensland-led research.

21 July 2020