A man patting a vision assistance dog.

Paul Harpur wears many hats. He’s a lawyer, a company director, a former Fulbright Scholar, a Paralympian and an Associate Professor at The University of Queensland Law School.  

2 November 2021
Woman's outstretched hand to camera, obscuring her face

An expert panel of University of Queensland researchers is examining the issue of sexual consent and will make recommendations to governments and schools about how to better teach young Australians about sexual violence.

14 September 2021
An arch of UQ's sandstone walls around the Great Court

University of Queensland researchers are among finalists in the 2021 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes. Projects in Science, Business and Humanities have been nominated for the event which is known as the ‘Oscars’ of Australian science.

2 September 2021
An artistic impression of a flying Pterosaur

Australia’s largest flying reptile has been uncovered, a pterosaur with an estimated seven-metre wingspan that soared like a dragon above the ancient, vast inland sea once covering much of outback Queensland.

10 August 2021
BMX rider airborne

The informal training methods of BMX riders could be the key to unlocking new heights for athletes, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

9 August 2021

An international study of 55 countries has shown a marked increase in the number of overweight women globally, with wealthy, educated and urban women heavier than their counterparts.

16 July 2021
Woman leaning on a window frame

The image of the lifeless body of three-year-old Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi washed ashore on a beach in Turkey in 2015, caused worldwide outrage and changed humanitarian policy across Europe.

7 July 2021
Picture of the palm of a hand in the stop pose on a Facebook-blue coloured key on a computer keyboard

Australian researchers are calling on Facebook to boost its consultation with minority groups and better train its in-house moderators in response to online hate speech in the Asia Pacific region.

5 July 2021
Person with head in their hands against red brickwall.

Screening and early interventions to address loneliness, sleep disturbances and alcohol consumption can help to reduce the association between being bullied at school and suicidal behaviours, a new study has found.

10 June 2021
Young girl sitting at desk while being homeschooled.

Researchers are urging key decision makers and sector stakeholders to adopt 16 recommendations to help close the educational divide and improve Australia’s treatment of children and young people experiencing disadvantage.

9 June 2021
Police car with blue lights in urban setting.

Stay-at-home restrictions implemented around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been associated with an average 37 per cent reduction in crime across the globe, an international study has found.

4 June 2021
The cave in the forest in Kenya with the excavation team working at the mouth

The remains of a child buried almost 80,000 years ago under an overhang at Panga ya Saidi cave in Kenya is providing important new details about the development of complex social behaviours.

6 May 2021
Magnifying glass over social media icons.

The success of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout will depend on everyone’s willingness to receive it. But experts have warned vaccine misinformation online puts Australia’s communities at risk, and some more than others.

5 May 2021
Dr Benjamin Schoville at the archeological site.

The discovery of unexpected artefacts in Africa’s Kalahari Basin has challenged conventional knowledge about the beginnings of human culture and innovation. A Queensland-led research team found crystals and ostrich shell fragments...

31 March 2021
Some public schools raise up to $1 million a year – and not just via cake stalls. Getty image.

Anyone who’s slaved over a school sausage sizzle may not be surprised to learn that parents and friends raise an average $752 a year for every state school student in Australia.

12 February 2021
Fruit of the Anyakngarra, also known as pandanus. The soft base is made into a drink and their nuts are an excellent source of fat and protein.

Archaeologists are generating a 65,000-year-old rainfall record from ancient food scraps found at Australia’s earliest-known site of human occupation.

26 January 2021
Tom Aechtner

A leading University of Queensland academic is using his research to improve vaccination rates across the country.

17 December 2020
School girls sit at desk looking at iPad.

COVID-19 has exposed fault lines in the education system for already disadvantaged students who are more likely to be severely impacted by the pandemic.

26 November 2020

The high rate of adolescent motherhood across developing countries isn’t shifting, with reductions either modest or absent in some regions and rising in others, according to University of Queensland-led research.

25 November 2020
Consumer Directed Care is affecting mental health. Image: Pexels

Sweeping changes to national aged care funding in the past decade have resulted in worse mental health for older Australians, University of Queensland research shows.

30 September 2020