Female researcher in laboratory holding spray bottle and smiling at camera. Image, UQ

University of Queensland researchers have developed a world-first surface spray that has the potential to kill viruses such as COVID-19 and potentially deadly bacteria.

18 January 2023
Associate Professor Tim Mercer wearing a lab coat and safety goggles holding a bottle containing orange liquid

A University of Queensland team has become the biggest supplier of experimental mRNA vaccines and therapies in Australia, with burgeoning demand from research and industry across the country.

11 January 2023
Dr Theresa Scott and dementia advocate John Quinn discuss the online driver safety test.

University of Queensland researchers are working with people living with dementia to develop an online driver safety test that can be performed by GPs in their surgeries.

5 January 2023
Spray bottle on plants.

University of Queensland scientists have developed an environmentally friendly RNA-based spray to help combat myrtle rust, which has wiped out many Australian plants.

19 December 2022
A man sitting on a chair receiving ultrasound treatment on his head in a lab. Two ultrasound technicians are behind him.

A pioneering treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, developed at The University of Queensland, is being tested in a small safety trial underway in Brisbane. 

13 December 2022
Soccer ball in goal

University of Queensland scientists have developed a model that gives soccer players their best chance of kicking a penalty goal.

12 December 2022
clusters of pink dots surrounded by blue dots on a black background

A University of Queensland-led project has used a ‘brain in a dish’ to study the effects of the Zika virus, taking research a step closer towards developing drugs to combat the infection.

12 December 2022
mobile phone screen next to two hands, one holding a small grey box against the fingers of the other hand

A fast, needle-free malaria detection tool developed by a University of Queensland-led team could help save hundreds of thousands of lives annually.

9 December 2022
Griffith University Vice-Chancellor Professor Carolyn Evans, UQ Vice-Chancellor Deborah Terry, Sanofi's Dr Jean-Francois Toussaint, Premier Annastacia Palasczcuk, Deputy Premier Steven Miles, and Minister for Science Meaghan Scanlon

Queensland will become a global mRNA vaccine hub with a $280 million Translational Science Hub to be established in Queensland.

5 December 2022
Koala sitting in the fork of a gum tree. Image, Bev Millican

University of Queensland virologists are a step closer to understanding a mysterious AIDS-like virus that is impacting koala populations differently across state lines.

30 November 2022

When Associate Professor Rebecca Dunlop left Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 2003 for Brisbane, the move was meant to be temporary – and testing the hearing of humpback whales wasn’t part of the plan for the physiology graduate either.

26 November 2022
Five scientists wearing UQ-branded lab coats in a laboratory. They are lined up in a row and smiling.

The University of Queensland is set to take a second-generation molecular clamp vaccine to a proof-of-concept human trial.

25 November 2022
Aerial view of the rooves of houses in floodwater

Researchers at The University of Queensland have used satellites with radar imaging sensors to see through clouds and map flooding and say the technique could provide faster, more detailed information to keep communities safe.

23 November 2022
Hass avocado

What makes the perfect avocado? In a world-first, University of Queensland scientists have completed mapping the genome of the popular fruit, a resource that can drive future research and innovation opportunities for Australian avocado growers.

23 November 2022

A University of Queensland-led research group has created the world’s first successful donkey embryo using in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), which could save dozens of endangered donkey species.

16 November 2022
A large brown dog lies on its side on a table in a vet examining room, staring at the camera.

University of Queensland researchers are looking to dog owners for data on protecting pet – and human health – from environmental hazards.

11 November 2022
Mother and newborn baby

University of Queensland research has revealed that having more babies reduces a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer.

8 November 2022

The University of Queensland will establish three Centres of Excellence to tackle major global challenges and opportunities.

4 November 2022
Portrait photo of UQ Professor Trent Munro wearing a white coat in a laboratory. Supplied.

Precision painkillers that are more accurate and less harmful to the liver are set to be developed by a University of Queensland spin-off company — potentially changing the lives of millions of people.

4 November 2022
Mother and baby

Tackling a digital divide and improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and babies is the aim of an Australian-first project involving First Nations community leaders and University of Queensland researchers.

3 November 2022