Tree climbing lions star in a new National Geographic documentary filmed by a University of Queensland PhD candidate.

6 February 2019
mechanical sensors on a silicon chip

Quantum sensors being developed at The University of Queensland could revolutionise navigation and communications in unmanned and autonomous vehicles.

1 February 2019

Researchers have identified how a fungal skin infection is wiping out our native frog species at an alarming rate.

30 January 2019

Trained fish at The University of Queensland are helping researchers understand animal vision and factors behind the huge variation in colours between and among species.

29 January 2019

Baby birds and eggs are on the menu for at least 94 species of animals in Australia’s forests and woodlands, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

24 January 2019
Vampire bat

Vampire bats could hold the key to new treatments for a range of serious medical problems, but researchers have hit a snag accessing the specimens needed to advance their work.

15 January 2019

A new and extremely sensitive method of measuring ultrasound could revolutionise everything from medical devices to unmanned vehicles.

15 January 2019