A photo of a murky body of water with black tadpoles in it.

UQ researchers have discovered a previously unknown mechanism that allows tadpoles in cold environments to mitigate the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation.

19 January 2024
a man bends to look into a microscope at a container of yellow liquid watched on by another man, both are in white coats

A spider venom molecule being investigated by a University of Queensland team has met critical benchmarks towards becoming a treatment for heart attack and stroke.

17 January 2024
A photo of an array of leaf, powder and pill drugs in plastic bags on a black background.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have launched the world’s biggest drug survey, to gain insight into drug use around the globe.

10 January 2024
A graphic showing a space background with colourful rings.

An international project mapping millions of galaxies has provided a ‘tantalising’ insight into the mysteries of dark energy and could reshape our understanding of the history of the Universe, according to a leading UQ astrophysicist.

9 January 2024
Young girl on running frame with mother standing beside her. Image, UQ

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have reported significant gains in cardiovascular fitness and mobility after taking part in a landmark research project led by The University of Queensland.

3 January 2024
A young woman in profile with long dark hair falling across her face, holding a vape and a mobile phone.

A UQ research project will investigate the online influences behind young people taking up vaping - and develop social media content to support them in quitting.

15 December 2023
The sun rising over a green field on a cloudy day

An ambitious alliance to achieve zero net emissions in Australian agriculture and boost the $70 billion sector has been funded by the Federal Government.

12 December 2023
A view across white and grey coral underwater

Record breaking marine heatwaves will cause devastating mass coral bleaching worldwide in the next few years, according to a University of Queensland coral reef scientist.

8 December 2023
a series of black and white images of sections of a brain with red patches

Researchers from The University of Queensland have used an advanced imaging technique to predict the recovery of children from a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) with an 87 per cent success rate.

7 December 2023
A weighing scale on a wooden floor next to a tape measure and a surgical face mask

University of Queensland-led research shows being overweight can impair the body’s antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection but not to the protection offered by vaccination.

4 December 2023
A sketch showing a polluted environment on one side merging to a greener city on the right.

A UQ-led industry survey has found Australian architects are worried about the climate crisis and frustrated by barriers to action but are confident the profession can contribute to a sustainable future.

30 November 2023
Two people in red shirts and helmets stand in red mud, there are trees in the background

Nearly a third of the world’s mine tailings are stored within or near protected conservation areas, University of Queensland research has found.

28 November 2023
a stethoscope sits on top of a pile of files

Australian women with endometriosis can experience symptoms including severe period pain, depression and back pain for around a decade before being diagnosed, a University of Queensland study has revealed.

24 November 2023
Six scientists using equipment at a desk in a laboratory

The University of Queensland’s re-engineered clamp platform has produced a vaccine that is equally safe and virus-neutralising as an approved vaccine considered among the best in its class.

23 November 2023
A rounded fluoro blue and green brain-like structure floating in the foreground against a black background.

University of Queensland researchers have found a way to reverse a cellular process triggered by COVID-19 that contributes to premature ageing of the brain.

22 November 2023
Close up of 3 tagged heifers in a paddock. Image, UQ

Simple on-animal sensors could be a game changer for Australian beef cattle nutrition, according to University of Queensland research.

17 November 2023

Nature photographers posting to social media are helping improve biodiversity conservation mapping in South Asia, and the method could go global.

17 November 2023
a man sits at a table with his face in his hands, in front of him are papers and a laptop, behind him is a small child in a high chair

University of Queensland research has shown a link between parental stress stemming from financial hardship and exacerbated asthma symptoms in children.

14 November 2023
An outback Australian landscape of red earth and a blue sky with a mound of black sticks shaped in a dome in the foreground.

A University of Queensland-led research team says the key to a more sustainable food future may be a better understanding of ancient Indigenous food production systems.

10 November 2023

mRNA vaccines and therapies will be produced for clinical trials in a dedicated laboratory to be established at The University of Queensland as demand for mRNA continues to surge.

6 November 2023