Key factors affecting leaf size were night temperatures and risk of frost damage

Why is a banana leaf a million times bigger than a common heather leaf? And why are leaves generally much larger in tropical jungles than in temperate forests and deserts?

1 September 2017
Humpback whale 'spy hopping': Pic courtesy BRAHSS

A new international study has measured the effect of loud sounds on migrating humpback whales as concern grows as oceans become noisier.

17 August 2017

A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017
Habitats are turned into dry land - Image: Nick Murray

An international team of citizen scientists and researchers has identified a major contributor to the dramatic decline of migratory shorebird populations in Australia.

11 April 2017
Little bush moa. © Te Papa.

Bringing back extinct species could lead to biodiversity loss rather than gain, according to work featuring University of Queensland researchers.

28 February 2017

History has a devastating tendency to repeat itself when it comes to extreme flooding in South-East Queensland, researchers behind a new study have warned.

11 January 2017
The new School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Resources and energy, climate change, urbanisation, population growth, conservation and sustainability will be areas of focus for a new University of Queensland school.

9 January 2017
More and more species are being lost to fishers

Millions of people who depend on fisheries will benefit if targets to protect coastal marine areas in reserves are doubled or trebled.

6 January 2017
US Secretary of State John Kerry signs the COP21 UN Climate Change agreement.

As the dust settles following Donald Trump’s shock US presidential win, researchers from Queensland, South Africa and the US believe it is not all doom and gloom for the environmental community.

15 December 2016
Kristy Guerin wanted to be a vulcanologist from age 12

As a 12-year-old in Western Australia, Kristy Guerin wanted to become a vulcanologist – despite the absence of volcanoes in Australia.

19 July 2016
Bridie Schultz

University of Queensland research into the chilled storage of koala semen has major implications for the assisted breeding and genetic diversity of captive and wild populations.

28 June 2016
30 minutes in the outdoors has significant health benefits

People who visit parks for 30 minutes or more each week are much less likely to have high blood pressure or poor mental health than those who don’t, according to new research by Australian and UK environmental scientists.

24 June 2016
Increases in seaweed threaten corals

Regulating overfishing could protect Pacific coral reefs from strangulation by seaweed, according to new findings by a University of Queensland scientist.

23 June 2016
Coral in Malaysia

A six-year collaboration between the Malaysian Government and University of Queensland researchers has resulted in the creation of the Malaysia’s biggest marine protected area.

21 June 2016
Passenger Pigeon. Credit: Louis Agassiz Fuertes

The dodo, the passenger pigeon and the Tasmanian tiger are well-known victims of extinction caused by human behaviour, but could their status be used to help conservation efforts from beyond the grave?

18 May 2016
Inside a canga cave. Photo by Dr Gerald Hartig.

Termite guts could contribute to mining site rehabilitation and pay big dividends for the planet, thanks to University of Queensland research.

22 April 2016
Far Eastern Curlew in flight. Photo: D.S. Hovorka.

How do you reconcile the recreational needs of a city of two million people with the protection of migratory birds recovering after journeys half way around the planet?

22 April 2016
Tarwine, a fish commonly found in South East Queensland estuaries and rocky or sandy coastal areas.

Keen anglers heading out this long weekend should seek a quiet spot or prepare themselves for disappointment, new University of Queensland research shows.

21 April 2016
Green sea turtle

Toxic plastic is wreaking havoc on marine life – and University of Queensland researchers fear it could be making its way up the food chain and ending up on our dinner plates.

10 March 2016
Sir David Attenborough, as he appears while introducing the interactive website

University of Queensland scientific research on the Great Barrier Reef is in the international spotlight with this week’s launch of an interactive website to complement a BBC television series to be released on 30 December.

23 December 2015