Countries accounting for around 85 per cent of the world’s population are largely overlooked

Lack of diversity in psychological research is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, according to an Australian academic.

13 June 2017
Dental students at St George

The launch of a new dental clinic in St George in south-west Queensland will ease the shortage of dental services available to the community.

9 June 2017
Professor Cindy Shannon ... a leader in Indigenous health

A health and nursing academic who has devoted her life to improving the health of Indigenous Australians and a neuroscience pioneer who was founding director of the Queensland Brain Institute – both University of Queensland professors – have...

7 June 2017
Associate Professor Ray Steptoe

A single treatment giving life-long protection from severe allergies such as asthma could be made possible by immunology research at The University of Queensland.

2 June 2017
Endometriosis affects one in 10 women and can cause severe pelvic pain

In the world’s largest study into the genetic causes of endometriosis, University of Queensland researchers have helped identify five new gene regions linked to the disease.

25 May 2017
An EEG could identify apparently healthy infants who will later be found to have neurodevelopmental deficits

The brain waves of healthy newborns – which appear more abnormal than those of severe stroke victims –could be used to accurately predict which babies will have neurodevelopmental disorders.

25 May 2017

A $5 million donation to The University of Queensland’s prestigious Queensland Brain Institute will transform the way world-leading researchers work with patients and doctors.

24 May 2017
Cross section of a cystic kidney - Maria Rondon Galeano, UQ IMB

A new gene behind a rare form of inherited childhood kidney disease has been identified by a global research team.

23 May 2017
Intimate partner violence appears to double a caregiver's odds of poor health. (iStock photo)

Women who become caregivers after experiencing intimate partner violence face a double-whammy hit to their health, University of Queensland research shows.

22 May 2017
Professor Matt sanders

An international parenting program developed at The University of Queensland is featuring in United Kingdom election campaigning.

17 May 2017
Adult eastern brown snake. Credit: Stewart Macdonald

The “blood nuking” capabilities of adult brown snake venom only come about after an amazing transformation.

16 May 2017
Women gaining more than 2.5 per cent of their bodyweight annually more than double their risk of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.

Researchers are challenging women to start thinking about pre-pregnancy health sooner, with the finding that years of gradual weight gain more than doubles the risk of blood pressure disorders in pregnancy.

16 May 2017

A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017
Personal preferences or beliefs can steer clinicians towards continuing to deliver care that robust evidence has shown to confer little or no benefit.

Doctors have been warned to be aware that psychological factors could lead them to suggest medical interventions of little or no value to patients, despite campaigns aimed at eliminating unnecessary tests and procedures.

8 May 2017
A review of the key genes affecting pigmentation could be the first step towards incorporating genomics into clinical practice to identify patients at high-risk of skin cancer. iStockphoto

Dermatologists may need to look further than red hair and freckles when identifying patients who might be genetically predisposed to skin cancer.

8 May 2017
Dr Katharine Greenaway's small smile

Her research found that it’s better not to grin when you win, but could she keep the smile from her face when receiving a prestigious psychology award?

3 May 2017
Dr Ben Hogan with some of his zebrafish tanks

The brain has its own inbuilt processes for mopping up damaging cellular waste – and these processes may provide protection from stroke and dementia.

2 May 2017
The first of nine research projects has been funded

The new Queensland Genomics Health Alliance hit a critical milestone today, with the first nine of its funded research projects revealed.

26 April 2017
Daniel Innes with a resident ... "every morning the stereo went on and I was on my feet, being led around the make-shift dancefloor"

University of Queensland physiotherapy student Daniel Innes can list salsa dancing as one of his skills when he graduates next year.

21 April 2017

Researchers from The University of Queensland have provided key statistics which support this year's World Health Day theme – depression and common mental disorders

6 April 2017