Brisbane residents experiencing whiplash related neck pain from a recent car accident are being offered free physiotherapy treatment if they participate in a new study.

15 June 2012
Professor Mark Kendall of AIBN has been awarded a prestigious Rolex Laureate.

Brisbane biomedical engineer Professor Mark Kendall is one of only five international recipients of a prestigious Rolex Laureate, recognising his pioneering efforts to expand knowledge and improve human life.

15 June 2012

University of Queensland’s Associate Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Judy Bauer, has been awarded the prestigious Fellow of Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) status.

8 June 2012

Stargazers are reminded of tomorrow's once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe a rare astronomical phenomenon — the planet Venus passing across the face of the Sun.

5 June 2012

Scientists have discovered that two common mango varieties contain natural compounds that may help to fight flab . . . in the part that most people throw away.

1 June 2012
Dr Daniel Angus.

Healthcare professionals may soon be able to truly see the benefits of their talks with patients, thanks to an automated computer visualisation measurement technique called Discursis.

29 May 2012

Children with cerebral palsy and acquired brain injuries across Queensland will be the first in Australia to experience the pioneering new program, eBRAIN.

29 May 2012

The responsibility for choosing which Australian native species survive – and which go extinct – may ultimately fall to ordinary Australians.

28 May 2012
Dr Drew Titmarsh is taking science to the masses.

UQ Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology researcher Dr Drew Titmarsh is taking science to the masses, but making sure it is fun as well as informative.

24 May 2012
UQ biochemist Dr Annette Dexter

UQ biochemist Dr Annette Dexter is branching out into medical applications, with moves to prove a compound she has created has wound-healing properties.

24 May 2012

A new Australian study has confirmed the accuracy of a modern non-invasive cardiac output monitor that can replace a 40-year-old standard in this field.

23 May 2012

A rare astronomical event that led to Captain Cook’s exploration of Australia —The Transit of Venus — promises a spectacular feast for stargazers next month.

22 May 2012

People with a curious condition that causes them to apply make-up on only one side of their face, or ignore food on half of their plate, are playing a new role in understanding stroke recovery.

21 May 2012

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Professor Justin Cooper-White has spent a week sharing ideas with US defence force researchers in Washington DC.

17 May 2012

A University of Queensland researcher has discovered nine new genes that drive the development of breast cancer, taking the tally of all genes associated with breast cancer development to 40.

17 May 2012

A PhD student from CSIRO and The University of Queensland has found a better way to 'spell check' gene sequences and help biologists better understand the natural world.

16 May 2012

Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered whilst male fiddler crabs will fight for females and territories, they are prepared to lie about their fighting ability where they can get away with it.

14 May 2012

Over 2000 University of Queensland students are working with charities, nationally and overseas to raise much needed funds, as part of the Teamwork in Action (TIA) program.

10 May 2012
Dr Neena Mitter

UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) announced today that it is a Grand Challenges Explorations winner, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

9 May 2012

A new mathematical model predicting how nerve fibres make connections during brain development could aid understanding of how some cognitive disorders occur.

9 May 2012