University of Queensland graduand Jack Hill has been appointed Youth Governor of Queensland for 2020, working to amplify the voice of young people across the state.

12 December 2019
Moreton Bay near Brisbane ... healthy oceans are critical to all life on Earth

Climate change is not being taken into account in the design and management of marine parks, according to research featuring University of Queensland scientists.

5 December 2019

The noise and presence of boats can harm humpback whales’ ability to communicate and socialise, in some cases reducing their communication range by a factor of four.

28 November 2019

As thousands of wildfires and deforestation escalate in the Amazon rainforest, a team of international scientists has called for governments to enact six key goals to protect the vital wilderness.

20 November 2019
Homeward Bound adventurers, from left, Dr Anna Vinkhuyzen, Bianca Das, Dr Emma Kennedy and Hana Starobova.

Five University of Queensland-based scientists will travel by sea to Antarctica this month, after being handpicked for a professional development program.

19 November 2019

Healthy mangroves can help fight the consequences of climate change on coral reef fisheries, according to a University of Queensland-led study.

13 November 2019
Wilderness: image from Pexels

A group of international conservationists is urging governments across the globe to adopt a new approach to address the impact of economic development on the natural world.

8 November 2019
Wombat skulls seem to be changing to match their diets

Flexible jaws may help wombats better survive in a changing world by adapting to climate change’s effect on vegetation and new diets in conservation sanctuaries.

5 November 2019

The impact of losing intact tropical forests is more devastating on the climate than previously thought, according to University of Queensland-led research.

31 October 2019
A temple pit viper from Gombak Valley, Malaysia (Credit: Scientistchic).

Animal testing will no longer be required to assess a group of deadly neurotoxins, thanks to University of Queensland-led research.

29 October 2019

The combined toxicity of 22 of the most common pesticides found in waterways flowing into the Great Barrier Reef is in many cases not meeting pollution reduction targets.

25 October 2019

New research reveals conservation initiatives often spread like disease, a fact which can help scientists and policymakers design programs more likely to be taken up.

14 October 2019

An online mapping and knowledge platform prototype could soon offer free and easily accessible information on the migratory patterns of endangered species in the ocean.

10 October 2019
A clock moving in superposition of different speeds would measure a superposition of different elapsing times — in a quantum version of the famous ’twin paradox’ of special relativity. Credit: M. Zych.

More accurate clocks and sensors may result from a recently proposed experiment, linking an Einstein-devised paradox to quantum mechanics.

9 October 2019

Australia’s world-first evolutionary discoveries will be showcased in a public lecture at The University of Queensland next week.

3 October 2019
Photonic characters from Michael Kewming’s quantum alphabet.

Secret quantum alphabets could revolutionise how secure communication networks are built and utilised, according to a University of Queensland researcher.

4 September 2019

New research has found that habitat loss is a major concern for hundreds of Australian bird species, and south-eastern Australia has been the worst affected.

3 September 2019
Industrial and residential expansion is causing a significant loss of natural habitats for many species of animals, birds, and marine life

The University of Queensland is helping to establish a foundation aimed at preserving Moreton Bay’s unique biodiversity, cultural heritage and aesthetic beauty.

29 August 2019

Research into the self-destruction of cells in humans and plants could lead to treatments for neurodegenerative brain diseases and the development of disease-resistant plants.

23 August 2019
(L-R) Filmmaker Mark Jones, curator Marion Vasseur Raluy, UQ palaeontologist Dr Steve Salisbury and artist Angelika Markul, surrounded by dinosaur tracks on Roebuck Bay. Credit: Damian Kelly.

An award-winning French video artist and sculptor has teamed up with a University of Queensland

21 August 2019