Can understanding compassion make the world a better place?

Can the world become a better place if we unravel the motivations that drive people to display compassion?

21 August 2015
Photo: Cleaner wrasse with a client Scarface damsel by Richard Smith

University of Queensland researchers have discovered the presence of the bluestreak cleaner wrasse increases the number of juvenile fish on reefs.

19 August 2015
Dr Christine Dudgeon (left) and Dr Jennifer Ovenden (right).

A University of Queensland scientist has cautioned against culling sharks because the long term ecological impact cannot be predicted.

18 August 2015
 Professor Bhesh Bhandari ... creative thinking is changing food materials science.

The next time you visit the supermarket, spare a thought for how food scientists are able to safely get omega-3 into milk, or probiotics into juice to bring health benefits to consumers.

13 August 2015

Launching satellites into space could soon be easier and cheaper than ever before, thanks to research at The University of Queensland.

10 August 2015

Sports coaches and trainers may soon be pulling the plug on athletes’ ice baths in the off-season after new findings by The University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology.

10 August 2015
The study is testing  nutrients as mood-elevators, including tryptophan, folic acid, omega-3 and zinc.

Nutrients commonly found in spinach, elk, oysters and crab and the positive effects they may have on people with clinical depression are the focus of a world-first University of Queensland study.

7 August 2015
Newly-discovered species: Adult males with juvenile females grasped onto abdomens - Cystococcus campanidorsalis (Photo: Dr Lyn Cook)

A University of Queensland graduate has identified a previously unknown species of insect living within reach of Australian suburbia.

27 July 2015

University of Queensland researchers have shown, like humans, fruit flies may be self-aware of their actions.

24 July 2015
Researchers say governments should not use offsets to meet existing commitments to manage protected areas.

Australian scientists have warned governments against using biodiversity offsetting to meet existing conservation commitments.

23 July 2015

Is the use of so-called ‘study drugs’ among tertiary students as common as depicted, or is it a subject of exaggeration?

10 July 2015

University of Queensland pain treatment researchers have discovered thousands of new peptide toxins hidden deep within the venom of just one type of Queensland cone snail.

7 July 2015
Ashton “Little Superman” Hancock, has hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, resulting in epilepsy and hearing impairment

Do you know where your corpus callosum is located? A University of Queensland researcher is on a mission to make sure more people know about the central brain structure by supporting National Corpus Callosum Awareness Day on 2 July.

1 July 2015
Bachelor of Nursing student Meg Richters

More than 170 university students from 18 countries are using their semester break to work on research projects at The University of Queensland, on topics ranging from vaccine delivery to paternity leave.

29 June 2015
UQ’s latest ARC Laureate Fellows TC Beirne School of Law’s Professor Brad Sherman, the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences’s Professor Philip Hugenholtz and Institute for Molecular Bioscience’s Professor David Craik.

Better drugs for chronic pain, building food security, and research into evolutionary diversity have attracted more than $8 million in funding for The University of Queensland’s latest ARC Laureate Fellowships, announced today (23 June).

23 June 2015

The University of Queensland has again shown its global leadership credentials, ranking as Australia’s top institution and within the global top 100 of the prestigious Nature Index.

18 June 2015

Queensland will soon be home to a major initiative to discover and develop new drugs to combat health issues including cancer, diabetes, inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases.

16 June 2015

A University of Queensland clinical scientist has won a prestigious European award for potentially life-saving antibiotic drug therapy research.

9 June 2015
Caption: Professor Zhiguo Yuan and Dr Leigh Ward have received Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Clunies Ross Awards.

Innovative bioscience and infrastructure research from two University of Queensland academics has been recognised with national awards.

28 May 2015
A UQ study has found the more time we spend with people from another nationality the more empathy we have for them.

The more time we spend with people from another nationality the more empathy we have for them, University of Queensland research has found.

8 May 2015