The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine has passed another important milestone, showing the ability to raise high levels of antibodies that can neutralise the virus in early pre-clinical testing.

29 April 2020

Scientists recently confirmed the Great Barrier Reef suffered another serious bleaching event last summer - the third in five years. Dramatic intervention to save the natural wonder is clearly needed.

24 April 2020
Reconstruction of Mount Morgan dinosaur track-makers on their ancient landscape. Credit Dr Anthony Romilio.

Old photos from Mount Morgan’s sealed off ‘Dino Cave’ have shed light onto new and unusual Aussie dinosaur behaviours, thanks to University of Queensland research.

24 April 2020
An Australian sea lion raises its head to the sky

Populations of Australia’s threatened mammals have declined by 38 per cent on average in 20 years, yet research shows conservation efforts have led to significant recoveries.

23 April 2020

Conservation researchers have debated two different approaches to protecting biodiversity for years, but an international team of scientists has found a combination could achieve the best results.

22 April 2020

Stuck together in isolation, three University of Queensland scientists have started a new online challenge to get us more acquainted with our (very) local wildlife.

17 April 2020
UQ's Chief Student Entrepreneur Rachael Dagge

The University of Queensland’s newly appointed Chief Student Entrepreneur believes the methodologies and agile nature of startups will be adopted widely as a result of the pandemic.

15 April 2020
A graphic representation of how a discovered compound inhibits the COVID-19 virus main protease. Credit: Professor Luke Guddat.

An international team of researchers has tested more than 10,000 compounds to identify six drug candidates that may help treat COVID-19.

9 April 2020
Two female researchers work at the lab bench as part of the vaccine project at UQ

The University of Queensland’s potential COVID-19 vaccine is entering an important new phase of testing with the live coronavirus to determine how effectively it induces protection against coronavirus infection.

9 April 2020
Pair of hands holding a tube of sunscreen, and squeezing some into one palm

Genetic variations in the skin can create a natural sunscreen, according to University of Queensland researchers investigating the genes linked with vitamin D.

2 April 2020
Sharks swimming together in the ocean with a blue sky above

It’s not too late to rescue global marine life, according to a study outlining the steps needed for marine ecosystems to recover from damage by 2050.

2 April 2020
Grace Fulton sits with a stuffed toy in a field of colourful flowers

At just six, Grace Fulton is possibly Australia’s youngest scientist, participating in field research to help protect precious owl species.

31 March 2020

More than 2000 renewable energy facilities are built in areas of environmental significance and threaten the natural habitats of plant and animal species across the globe.

25 March 2020
Premature flowering can lead to a highly erratic pineapple supply. Getty Image.

New pineapple varieties which grow more reliably and predictably are being developed in a University of Queensland-led project that will benefit farmers and industry.

9 March 2020

Australian experts are calling for the higher education sector to prepare for the knock-on effects of climate change on their research.

24 February 2020

Customised immune-blocking medication may be the key to treating patients with motor neurone disease (MND), which currently has no cure and limited therapeutic options.

17 February 2020
A graphic depicting glass instruments being used on a reproductive egg.

Researchers have lifted fertility rates in older female mice with small doses of a metabolic compound that reverses the ageing process in eggs, offering hope for some women struggling to conceive.

12 February 2020
Target-based ecological compensation resolves much of this uncertainty by explicitly linking compensatory requirements to biodiversity targets.

A new approach to compensate for the impact of development may be an effective alternative to biodiversity offsetting – and help nations achieve international biodiversity targets.

12 February 2020
Lead author Dr Annabel Smith measures a plantain during the annual census on Inis Oirr, Ireland.

Plants that break some of the ‘rules’ of ecology by adapting in unconventional ways may have a higher chance of surviving climate change, according to University of Queensland-led research.

10 February 2020
The slow loris ... its bite can induce allergy-like reactions in humans.

Research into the toxin of the world’s only venomous primate, the slow loris, is shedding light on the potential origins of the allergic qualities of cats.

5 February 2020