The network includes legal scholars, computer scientists, physicists, criminologists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians and environmental scientists.

University of Queensland legal researchers are spearheading the formation of an international network of experts to help address global issues such as cybercrime, food security, and climate change.

18 June 2018

Forging collaborations to achieve an outstanding, evidence-informed and sustainable healthcare system will be the focus of the incoming Executive Dean of The University of Queensland’s Faculty of Medicine.

13 June 2018

The University of Queensland is one of a number of organisations possibly affected by a data security incident at the cloud-based human resources provider PageUp.

8 June 2018
Professor Bostjan Kobe

Research that has provided the foundation for therapies against diseases and infections has led to University of Queensland academic Professor Bostjan Kobe being named a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.

22 May 2018

University of Queensland students from seven countries will be boiling the kettle and inviting everyone to come for a cuppa to raise money for Cancer Council Queensland on Thursday.

22 May 2018
A boat in Indonesia’s Kayan Mentarang National Park.

One-third of the world’s protected land is under intense human pressure, according to an international study described as ‘a stunning reality check’ on efforts to avert a biodiversity crisis.

18 May 2018

Genetic research aimed at improving healthcare will be the focus of the University of Queensland’s new Genome Innovation Hub.

14 May 2018
Willy wagtails at Dryandra

Removing introduced predators might not provide greater protection of nesting birds in Australia’s temperate forests and woodlands, according to a new University of Queensland study.

11 May 2018

More than 1200 Queensland high school students have assisted University of Queensland researchers in the development of a survey that measures bullying.

8 May 2018

An academic paper involving University of Queensland authors has been retracted after the researchers found errors in the computer code used to analyse some of the data.

12 April 2018

To commemorate 40 years since the Solomon Islands gained independence from the United Kingdom, a University of Queensland historian will visit the country as a guest of the Australian High Commission.

19 March 2018
UQ's SafeZone app

UQ is encouraging new and returning students and staff to sign up to the SafeZone smart phone app designed to improve safety and security across all campuses.

12 February 2018

Researchers have new insights into how protective antibodies attack dengue viruses, which could lead to more effective dengue fever vaccines and drug therapies.

19 December 2017
After more than a century of graduations, Queensland’s largest university is celebrating a major milestone this December: 250,000 graduates.

After more than a century of graduations, Queensland’s largest university is celebrating a major milestone this December: 250,000 graduates.

14 December 2017

Learning about the statistics of Aboriginal imprisonment in Western Australia led University of Queensland law student Nicholas Frazer to put his legal skills into practice and investigate.

12 December 2017

A supercomputer that will speed up research and scientific discovery is being built at The University of Queensland.

7 December 2017

A delegation of Queensland educators will travel to New York City this December in an effort to improve education prospects for students in Logan.

7 December 2017

Trailblazing earth scientist Professor Dorothy Hill’s legacy of mentoring woman scientists will continue to be celebrated following a donation from The University of Queensland.

5 December 2017

UQ Student Services staff are available to assist any students who wish to discuss concerns arising from news reports about Emmanuel College.

22 November 2017
Dr Stephen Mattarollo and PhD candidate Michael Nissen.

New research shows that chronic stress suppresses the immune system’s response to cancer, reducing the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatments.

22 November 2017