A UQ research program seeking to develop computer systems and robots capable of intelligent thought, self-awareness, creativity, learning and emotion has received the first $100,000 donation from Australian entrepreneur Sean Howard.

3 December 2008

UQ Business School is leading the way in corporate sustainability by conducting its first carbon audit to chart it carbon footprint.

3 December 2008

Many staff at The University of Queensland are proud of their place of work, believe in UQ, feel safe there and enjoy teamwork with their colleagues, new survey results show.

3 December 2008

Graduations are a special time for all involved, but for the Stephenson family, today’s UQ graduations will be especially memorable.

3 December 2008

A top social worker, an award-winning poet and one of the Pacific Islands' elder statesmen will speak at UQ graduation ceremonies tomorrow, December 3.

2 December 2008

A group of PhD students from UQ’s School of Physical Sciences have sparked a new network of young researchers interested in optical and laser sciences.

2 December 2008

CITATION Award of a Doctor of Business honoris causa Mr Donald Argus, AO at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law gradution ceremony at the UQ Centre, St Lucia on Monday, December 15 at 2pm.

1 December 2008

CITATION Award of a Doctor of Medicine honoris causa to Dr Susan Pond, AM at the UQ Biological and Chemical Sciences Faculty gradution ceremony at 2pm at the UQ Centre, Union Road, St Lucia

1 December 2008

A veterinarian and mentor recognised for his outstanding contribution to the development of the veterinary profession will be honored at The University of Queensland Gatton Campus on Friday.

1 December 2008

Students graduating at The University of Queensland today will have the added honour as the last cohort to come under the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences banner.

1 December 2008

Sir Peter Kenilorea, one of the most senior statesmen of the South Pacific, will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate at The University of Queensland graduation ceremony at the UQ Centre, St Lucia, Brisbane, on December 3.

28 November 2008

The protection of Australia's freshwater ecosystems has been discussed at the Australian Protected Area Congress finishing today at the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

27 November 2008

A UQ graduate has spearheaded a national campaign to reconnect the Honours Alumni from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law.

27 November 2008

UQ undergraduate student Tim Mew will be spending the next two months facing angry bees in flight every day.

27 November 2008

UQ neuroscientists have discovered the crucial role a specific gene plays in forming the neural tube, the earliest identifiable structure in the developing brain and an essential precursor to the entire central nervous system.

27 November 2008

One thing Malaysian UQ student Mimi Mohamed didn’t expect when moving to Australia was to become a lawn bowls champion, but she has done just that after a crackerjack club fours win with her local Toowong Bowls Club.

27 November 2008

New data show that The University of Queensland continues to attract the dominant share of the State's most academically able Queensland Year 12 students to its undergraduate programs.

26 November 2008

Citation for the award of a Doctor of the University honoris causa to Sir Peter Kenilorea

26 November 2008

Citation for the award of a Doctor of the University honoris causa to Sir Frank Moore

26 November 2008

Citation for the award of a Doctor of the University honoris causa to Mr Michael Bryce.

26 November 2008