Playing football in Ghana

Playing Djembe and football with some Ghanaian friends was an enjoyable part of Charles Hunt's recent research trip to West Africa.

6 December 2010

World-first trials aimed at eliminating dengue fever are set to begin in Cairns.

25 November 2010
Professor Melissa Little

UQ has received almost $29 million in National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grants - the fourth-largest share of the $447.5 million awarded to institutions across Australia.

12 November 2010
Brisbane company RedFlow delivers a prototype zinc-bromine battery-based energy storage system

World-leading research into the application of large-scale electricity storage will begin at The University of Queensland early next year.

21 October 2010

Three University of Queensland students selected as delegates to promote cross-cultural relations with China attended the inaugural Australia-China Youth Dialogue (ACYD) earlier this month.

14 October 2010

An innovative, Australian-first project conducted at The University of Queensland (UQ) will provide new insights into language disorders.

28 September 2010

Dr Sebastian Kaempf, from UQ's School of Political Science and International Studies, says he believes that digital new media technology has altered the nature of war.

20 September 2010
University of California students at Lamington National Park

It could be argued that one of the best things that can be done to protect the environment is to educate bright young students about ecology, wherever they come from in the world.

7 September 2010

Sixteen UQ students recently travelled to China for a month as part of a research internship study tour.

6 September 2010

In a first for The University of Queensland School of Journalism and Communication Indigenous Voice project, student stories are being broadcast across the United States on the National Native News radio program.

7 July 2010
Dr Lam and Thi Hong Thanh Pham

When Alzheimer’s researcher Dr Hoang Lam Pham (Lam) was given the chance to work at any Australian university, UQ was the straightforward choice.

22 June 2010

Corals right out on the exposed edges of the world’s great coral reef zones may hold an important clue to the survival of coral ecosystems facing intensifying pressure from human activities and climate change.

17 June 2010
Mr Waldie prepares for a scuba dive off Lizard Island. Image: Tane Sinclair-Taylor

Eager to save shrinking fish stocks and shape the future of their field, two UQ marine biology graduates will soon dive headfirst into a tour of Papua New Guinea.

11 June 2010

Beauty is in the eye of beholder, or a few hundred psychologists, as will be the case during an international conference in Bristol, England from June 22 – 23.

4 June 2010
Sticky Fingers by Karishma Patel, one of last year's winning entries

Following last year’s success, UQ’s School of Political Science and International Studies is delighted to launch the 2010 International Photography Competition.

19 May 2010

Nine UQ researchers will travel the world building research links and bringing that knowledge back to Queensland thanks to funding from the Queensland Government.

19 May 2010
Zuzana Petovska on fieldwork in the Tiwi Islands

UQ’s Rotary Peace Fellows will present their experiences of contemporary peacebuilding during their annual seminar on May 22nd.

17 May 2010

UQ will kick off National Archaeology Week by presenting one of the world’s leading experts on the ancient environment of the Amazon.

7 May 2010
Journalisim students Kim Smith and Adam Evans interview Brenda Nadjiwan at World Press Freedom Day

UQ students will take advantage of a rare opportunity to speak with and learn from world-renowned journalists when they cover World Press Freedom Day, held at the St Lucia campus from May 1-3.

30 April 2010

A University of Queensland academic is working with the Delhi Fire Service in India as part of research on mapping urban fires.

28 April 2010