Man and woman on bikes flanking two small children on bikes

Empowering families with skills, resources and knowledge to improve their lifestyle is the focus of a University of Queensland study into reducing childhood obesity.

17 September 2021

An antiviral surface coating technology sprayed on face masks could provide an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 and the flu.

15 September 2021
Woman's outstretched hand to camera, obscuring her face

An expert panel of University of Queensland researchers is examining the issue of sexual consent and will make recommendations to governments and schools about how to better teach young Australians about sexual violence.

14 September 2021

Queenslanders could have skin cancer diagnosed earlier using world-first 3D scanning technology with the launch of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis.

13 September 2021
Label with a red box with a cross in it, indicating a positive COVID test result

Stigma and discrimination linked to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis are the subjects of research being conducted by a multidisciplinary University of Queensland team.

9 September 2021
Flames burn through the Australian bush as smoke billows from the fire

A window of opportunity to take action on climate change after a natural disaster is frequently being missed by leaders, according to University of Queensland researchers.

6 September 2021
A red and blue graphic depiction of virus

Scientists in South Africa have discovered a new viral variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

1 September 2021
Mushrooms photographed in Tasmania.

Australia’s first legal, living collection of native magic mushrooms is being studied by scientists in a Brisbane laboratory to find out how they can be used for medical research into psychedelic treatments.

30 August 2021
Young child looking distressed and holding teddy bear.

People who experienced childhood trauma get a more pleasurable ‘high’ from morphine, new research suggests.

25 August 2021
Young boy resting his head on books

An international study has found a global target to eradicate childhood anaemia by 2030 will fail, presenting a major public health challenge.

13 August 2021

Teens need to regularly switch screen time for physical activity for the sake of their health and mental wellbeing, according to a University of Queensland-led study.

10 August 2021
Surgeon wearing scrubs looking into eye machine

A potential improved treatment for two of the leading causes of blindness – age and diabetes-related eye problems – has been demonstrated in research involving a University of Queensland expert.

2 August 2021
COVID-19 spike: artegorov3@gmail

University of Queensland researchers are refuting claims that COVID-19 can enter a person’s DNA.

30 July 2021
Dr Harendra Parekh with a demonstration model of the sol-gel technology

A nasal spray technology that enables the delivery of psychedelic and non-psychedelic drugs to treat mental health disorders will enter development for clinical use following the signing of a licence agreement with startup company InnarisBio, an...

29 July 2021
Tiny plastic particles of a range of colours sit atop a fingertip

The Minderoo Foundation has partnered with The University of Queensland to understand if micro and nano plastics and the plastic chemicals which leach out of plastic products are found in the human body.

28 July 2021
Young girls inhaling vape in park.

Unrestricted age limits on TikTok leave children exposed to videos that could reinforce a positive attitude towards vaping and e-cigarette usage, new University of Queensland research has found.

27 July 2021

A test being developed in Queensland could help to reduce the high mortality rate from ovarian cancer by dramatically improving the accuracy of early detection.

26 July 2021

Neck treatment may prove to be unnecessary and expensive for many migraine sufferers, University of Queensland research has revealed.

22 July 2021
Black-coloured funnel web spider on a white background

A potentially life-saving treatment for heart attack victims has been discovered from a very unlikely source – the venom of one of the world’s deadliest spiders.

16 July 2021
Associate Professor Emma Hamilton-Williams

It’s hoped a dietary fibre supplement could one day help manage or prevent type 1 diabetes, with research at The University of Queensland set to progress to the next stage.

14 July 2021