Different sized coral underwater

UQ research has revealed that informing tourists visiting the Great Barrier Reef about climate impact doesn’t negatively affect their experience and can help encourage climate action.

3 September 2024
A spiky white hailstone, flecked with small dots of black paint, rests on a scale on a desk.

A UQ library – full of hailstones instead of books – is helping researchers to better understand and predict damaging storms.

16 August 2024
Image of crown-of-thorns starfish larvae taken under a florescence microscope.

Researchers have uncovered an under the sea phenomenon where coral-destroying crown-of-thorns starfish larvae have been feasting on blue-green algae bacteria known as ‘sea sawdust’.

18 July 2024
An aerial photo of a pod of whales in dark blue water, with part of a rainbow visible.

UQ-led research has found migrating humpback whales off Australia’s east coast became less stressed over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 July 2024
Two people on a dock collecting water samples with a boat and brown river behind them.

A unique method of monitoring river health has uncovered an army of tiny organisms fighting to protect the Brisbane River.

28 June 2024
An aerial photo of turquoise and darker blue water around an area of the Great Barrier Reef.

UQ researchers have received $3.6 million from the Federal and Queensland governments to improve water quality monitoring in Great Barrier Reef catchments.

8 May 2024
An image showing the head and some of the body of a large snake on green grass at night.

A team of scientists on location with a film crew in the remote Amazon has uncovered a previously undocumented species of giant anaconda.

20 February 2024
Colourful coral on the ocean floor, surrounded by small fish and blue water in the background.

UQ-led research has shown there is more coral reef area across the globe than previously thought, with detailed satellite mapping helping to conserve these vital ecosystems.

14 February 2024
A photo of a murky body of water with black tadpoles in it.

UQ researchers have discovered a previously unknown mechanism that allows tadpoles in cold environments to mitigate the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation.

19 January 2024
An orange orangutan swinging on a branch in thick jungle

University of Queensland research has found despite considerable conservation efforts, the illegal killing of critically endangered orangutans on Borneo may be an ongoing threat to the species.

11 October 2023
An underwater photo of a coral reef showing algal overgrowth.

UQ researchers are developing a web-based management program capable of mapping ocean water pollution almost as it happens.

4 October 2023
A grey bottlenose dolphin reaching it's head above the surface of the water

University of Queensland researchers have found bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay off Brisbane could be teaching other dolphins to ‘beg’ for food from recreational fishers, with the behaviour creating short and long-term risks.

23 June 2023
Green seedlings grow in soil in a black plastic tray, the photo is taken from above.

University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.

1 June 2023
Koala joey in tree

Mortality rates of orphaned koala joeys could be greatly reduced by a non-invasive stress test kit being trialled by University of Queensland researchers.

20 March 2023
A brown and cream hawk sits on the branch of a gum tree.

Australia’s rarest bird of prey - the red goshawk - is facing extinction, with Cape York Peninsula now the only place in Queensland known to support breeding populations.

27 February 2023
A close up of gloved hands holding a magnet against a small vial of brown liquid with two faces in the background

Researchers at The University of Queensland have pioneered a simple, fast and effective technique to remove PFAS chemicals from water.

20 January 2023

A University of Queensland-led research group has created the world’s first successful donkey embryo using in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), which could save dozens of endangered donkey species.

16 November 2022
Rows of lettuces growing inside a glass house. Image, UQ

Feeding the world’s spiralling population amidst the ravages of climate change will be the focus of a major agriculture conference which gets underway in Brisbane today.

31 October 2022
A photoshopped image of a tree ring on a dark background, with one half on fire.

A University of Queensland study has shed new light on a mysterious, unpredictable and potentially devastating kind of astrophysical event.

26 October 2022

Some of Asia’s largest animals, including tigers and elephants, are defying 12,000 years of extinction trends by thriving alongside humans, a University of Queensland-led study has revealed.

22 October 2022