Professor David Craik and Professor Marilyn Anderson

The potential to produce cheaper medicines within edible plants including lettuce and canola has taken a significant step forward.

20 March 2018

Researchers have shown why a fragment of a protein from the venom gland of rattlesnakes could be the basis for an alternative to conventional antibiotics.

15 March 2018
Assassin bug: photo Jiayi Jin

Venom researchers from The University of Queensland have uncovered a unique and complex venom system within the tiny assassin bug.

23 February 2018
Dr Abishek lyer

University of Queensland researchers are one step closer to developing new medicines for treating inflammatory diseases, including allergies such as rhinitis, itchy hives, asthma, eczema and dermatitis.

4 September 2017
L-R: Dr Amanda Millar, Dr Laura Genovesi and Professor Brandon Wainwright

An international team of researchers has found a drug previously approved to treat breast cancer could also be used to shrink medulloblastoma, a common form of childhood brain tumour.

14 August 2017
Darren Brown. Image credit: UQ IMB.

A $2.3M grant from The Australian Cancer Research Foundation is being awarded to UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience today to establish the new ACRF Cancer Ultrastructure and Function Facility.

15 November 2016
Professor Craik ... reducing risks of tumours reocurring

The National Health and Medical Research Council has named two University of Queensland studies among its 10 of the Best Research Projects 2015.

19 August 2016
Samantha Nixon with Selenocosmia crassipes, Australia’s largest tarantula

Tarantula spider venom could become an unlikely ally in the war against sheep infections caused by nematode worms - a major cost for the international sheep industry.

19 July 2016

Researchers from The University of Queensland have identified a treatment target for aggressive forms of breast cancer.

23 March 2016
Researcher Maria Rondon and Associate Professor Carol Wicking

University of Queensland researchers are working to find causes and treatments for some of the world’s rarest diseases – which collectively affect more than 1.2 million Australians.

29 February 2016
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Robbie Wilson’s research will enhance understanding of how native species cope with changing natural environments

The Australian Research Council has awarded five new Future Fellows at The University of Queensland, from a total of only 50 awarded across the nation.

16 December 2015

The University of Queensland has teamed up with the Queensland Department of Health to bring researchers and clinicians together to take action against antibiotic resistance.

13 November 2015
A mini-kidney formed in a dish from human induced pluripotent stem cells. The three colours show the presence of distinct cell types within the developing nephrons. Image: Minoru Takasato

Australian researchers have perfected a method of growing mini-kidneys from stem cells for use in drug screening, disease modelling and cell therapy.

14 October 2015
Dr Rashmi Priya and Professor Alpha Yap

University of Queensland researchers have discovered a new signalling pathway that controls cell adhesion, an important process that is disrupted in diseases such as skin cancer and inflammation.

15 September 2015
Professor Jenny Martin was named a finalist in the awards for her tireless efforts campaigning for gender equity in science in Australia.

​Professor Jenny Martin from the Institute for Molecular Bioscience is a finalist for a Pride of Australia Medal in the Inspiration category.

1 September 2015
Dr Elliott is nominated for a prestigious prize for young researchers

A young superbug researcher at The University of Queensland is seeking public support in her bid to win the Centenary Institute’s Lawrence Creative Prize people’s choice award.

25 August 2015

University of Queensland pain treatment researchers have discovered thousands of new peptide toxins hidden deep within the venom of just one type of Queensland cone snail.

7 July 2015
UQ was awarded a total of 77 health and medical research grants today

Australia’s first Centre of Research Excellence in Chronic Kidney Disease will be established at The University of Queensland with a $2.5 million grant announced today.

17 October 2014
IMB's Professor George Muscat with Dr Michael Pearen, Dr Rebecca Fitzsimmons and PhD students Kelvin Tuong and Tae Gyu Oh.

University of Queensland researchers have discovered a way of predicting cancer-free survival in breast cancer patients and identified a new treatment target.

11 August 2014