A forest of tall gum trees

Research conducted by The University of Queensland revealed that Queensland native forestry, including timber harvesting, could actually help conserve biodiversity and mitigate climate risks.

7 July 2023
A grey bottlenose dolphin reaching it's head above the surface of the water

University of Queensland researchers have found bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay off Brisbane could be teaching other dolphins to ‘beg’ for food from recreational fishers, with the behaviour creating short and long-term risks.

23 June 2023
Green seedlings grow in soil in a black plastic tray, the photo is taken from above.

University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.

1 June 2023
A long train travels on a track with fields and open country either side of it.

UQ researchers have worked with industry to map how Australia could move towards decarbonising its heavy haulage rail network.

2 May 2023
A elephant calf surrounded by two adult elephants

University of Queensland researchers have found African elephants use their acute sense of smell as a form of communication.

3 April 2023
Koala joey in tree

Mortality rates of orphaned koala joeys could be greatly reduced by a non-invasive stress test kit being trialled by University of Queensland researchers.

20 March 2023
Person charging their electric vehicle.

Queensland’s brightest minds in electric transport will descend on Brisbane for the State’s inaugural Electric Transport Industry Transformation Forum on Friday 17 March.

17 March 2023
A brown and cream hawk sits on the branch of a gum tree.

Australia’s rarest bird of prey - the red goshawk - is facing extinction, with Cape York Peninsula now the only place in Queensland known to support breeding populations.

27 February 2023
A close up of gloved hands holding a magnet against a small vial of brown liquid with two faces in the background

Researchers at The University of Queensland have pioneered a simple, fast and effective technique to remove PFAS chemicals from water.

20 January 2023
A woman in a black top and brown hair pulled back smiles broadly at the camera with a brick laneway out of focus in the background.

University of Queensland School of Architecture lecturer Dr Liz Brogden has been awarded a 2022 Churchill Fellowship to further her work pioneering climate action in the profession.

28 November 2022

A University of Queensland-led research group has created the world’s first successful donkey embryo using in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), which could save dozens of endangered donkey species.

16 November 2022
Rows of lettuces growing inside a glass house. Image, UQ

Feeding the world’s spiralling population amidst the ravages of climate change will be the focus of a major agriculture conference which gets underway in Brisbane today.

31 October 2022
A photoshopped image of a tree ring on a dark background, with one half on fire.

A University of Queensland study has shed new light on a mysterious, unpredictable and potentially devastating kind of astrophysical event.

26 October 2022
Aerial view of water ponds at a water treatment plant

The use of cocaine and MDMA has fallen in Queensland since COVID-19 disruptions began in 2020, but the use of methylamphetamine or ‘ice’ has increased according to a report from Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).

26 October 2022

Some of Asia’s largest animals, including tigers and elephants, are defying 12,000 years of extinction trends by thriving alongside humans, a University of Queensland-led study has revealed.

22 October 2022
A person holding a spray bottle standing in front of plants at a plant nursery

An Australian-first study by researchers from The University of Queensland has found 8 per cent of urine samples drawn from the general public contained a common weed killer.

30 September 2022
Wild dingo looking at the camera.

Cameras that spy on wildlife could provide the secrets scientists need to save vulnerable species.

17 September 2022
A close-up photo of a hand holding granules of black compost

A new way of using compost could boost global crop production and deliver huge benefits to the planet, according to a study co-led by The University of Queensland.

6 September 2022
A group of people in white coats look at machinery inside a high-tech laboratory

A new University of Queensland-led training centre is set to become a hub for world-leading research in ‘green’ plastic.

18 August 2022
A man stands at a whiteboard, writing a mathematical equation. He is smiling at the camera.

The newly launched ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture is cultivating the next crop of plant science experts.

17 August 2022