An example of native food confectionery creations from past UQ students, including medicinal lozenges flavoured with lemon myrtle, a bunya and boppal brittle, a quandong and burdekin plum sherbet, desert lime jubes and sour lollies from Davidson plums.

Expect more delicious and premium Australian food in fridges across the globe, with the creation of The University of Queensland’s Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

18 November 2021
A cross section of a taro.

The tropical root vegetable taro, known as the ‘food of the gods’ in the Pacific, is under threat from rising sea levels but wild Australian plants being cultivated by The University of Queensland may help boost food security in the region.

21 October 2021
male jojoba plant

The hot and dry desert environment has led to big genetic differences between male and female jojoba plants, a discovery which could boost jojoba production and shed light on how plants adapt to environmental stress.

15 October 2021
close up of a woman's face. She's holding a hamburger and licking her lips

For many people, nothing beats the taste and texture of a big juicy burger, but how do you recreate that eating experience with sustainable plant-based protein? 

12 October 2021

Researchers are taking to the skies to help see what is happening underground in a new project that aims to improve one of Australia’s largest grain crops - barley.

6 July 2021
Professor Matthew Morell, Director, QAAFI at University of Queensland – with sorghum in glasshouse.

Agriculture has entered a new era where advanced, multidisciplinary sciences are harnessed to meet consumer demands for safe, ethically and sustainably produced foods, according to the incoming director of a key research institute.

26 March 2021

The unique flavour, texture and aroma of Australia’s famous Wagyu beef can now be marketed using a world-first flavour profile developed by The University of Queensland in partnership with the Australian Agricultural Company (AACo).

9 August 2020

Researchers are raising a glass to a Queensland first: beer brewed using wild fermented yeast, hand-picked from a jacaranda tree at The University of Queensland.

5 May 2020

The lifeblood of Timor-Leste’s agricultural sector – smallholder farming – is to be bolstered by collaborative University of Queensland-led research.

20 May 2019

A new collaboration will help feed the world’s growing demand for poultry and eggs, while minimising the risk to international public health from animal-to-human-diseases.

24 January 2019

Global US food and animal safety company Neogen Corporation is establishing an animal genomics facility at The University of Queensland Gatton campus in a move that will reinforce UQ’s capacity to support the livestock industry and animal breeders.

1 September 2017
PhD student Edward Kerr (right) and his supervisor Ben Schulz

The growing craft beer industry is about to hop ahead with new University of Queensland research supported by the Queensland Government.

29 March 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
The 3D Water Atlas compiles and analyses data from Surat Basin bores. Photo iStock

An open access Water Atlas has gone online, giving the general public a 3D view of groundwater data from eastern Australia’s Surat Basin.

9 December 2016
More than 300 people in Victoria and South Australia suffered food poisoning in salmonella outbreaks this year linked with bagged salads and sprouts.

Friendly bacteria may be introduced to bagged salad leaves to help ward off the possibility of salmonella and listeria outbreaks.

14 November 2016
The CashCow project demonstrated the potential of electronic monitoring of herd performance

Meat & Livestock Australia is funding new research led by The University of Queensland aimed at reducing foetal and calf loss in beef cattle breeding herds across northern Australia.

12 September 2016
Professor Ben Hayes.

Genomic selection could provide massive productivity gains to Australia’s beef industry, with a University of Queensland genomics expert focusing his research on improving the $5 billion a year sector.

11 May 2016
The water system in Manila was dramatically improved

Until 1997, water supplies in downtown Manila were beset with infrastructure problems such as leaks, widespread unauthorised access and contamination.

11 September 2015
The perfect foam on a head of beer is worth a lot to the beer consumer. IstockPhoto

A team of UQ scientists has been tasked with prescribing the unique molecular signature of Queensland’s famous XXXX beer. The scientists are, for the first time, revealing the full profile of all the molecular components that give beer its flavour...

17 December 2014
The Queensland node of the centre will be led by Professor Graeme Hammer from UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation.

Queensland scientists will play a key role in a new Australian research centre working to increase major food crop yields. University of Queensland researchers will form the Queensland node of the $22 million Australian Research Council Centre of...

24 October 2014