Owen Finegan, Professor Brandon Wainwright, Dr Laura Genovesi

A future where no children suffer deadly brain tumours may be within reach, thanks to the vision of a team of researchers from The University of Queensland and generous funding.

2 November 2016
Protagonist Therapeutics founder Associate Professor Mark Smythe

Two companies founded on University of Queensland research have won acclaim at the National AusBiotech Conference in Melbourne.

31 October 2016

In a world-first, researchers from The University of Queensland and University of Washington (UW) have produced tailor-made peptides – an advance expected to help improve drug design and environmentally-friendly pesticides.

14 October 2016
Swipe and spit for postpartum depression

Does genetic susceptibility predispose women to postpartum depression? Researchers from The University of Queensland are calling on Australian mothers to help them find out.

20 September 2016
Dr Kate Schroder, Deputy Director, IMB Centre for Inflammation Research

Inflazome Ltd, a company founded on research from The University of Queensland (UQ) and Trinity College Dublin, has closed a Series A financing round of up to €15 million (A$22 million).

12 September 2016
Neurodegeneration in action. The mutated Munc18-1 proteins (green in this image) trigger the clumping of α-Synuclein (large red blobs).

University of Queensland researchers have identified the specific cause of a rare form of epilepsy in babies.

6 September 2016

Research from The University of Queensland could lead to a new treatment for Parkinson’s disease, with future potential applications to nearly 50 other disorders.

27 August 2016
New method will help identify serious bacterial infections, and reduce unnecessary antibiotic use

Researchers from The University of Queensland and Imperial College London have developed a method to distinguish viral and bacterial infections in children, which will save lives and reduce antibiotic use.

26 August 2016
Associate Professor Mark Smythe ... his research led to new biotech company

University of Queensland spin-out biotech company Protagonist Therapeutics Inc is a step closer to developing a new drug that would benefit millions of people worldwide.

22 August 2016
Professor Craik ... reducing risks of tumours reocurring

The National Health and Medical Research Council has named two University of Queensland studies among its 10 of the Best Research Projects 2015.

19 August 2016
Samantha Nixon with Selenocosmia crassipes, Australia’s largest tarantula

Tarantula spider venom could become an unlikely ally in the war against sheep infections caused by nematode worms - a major cost for the international sheep industry.

19 July 2016
UQ IMB researchers Prashanth Jutty Rajan, Kathleen Yin and Alan Robertson

Researchers from The University of Queensland are seeking public input as they develop a mobile app to help chronic pain sufferers and healthcare providers manage and treat pain.

20 June 2016
Cane toad.

Queensland researchers have made a big leap forward in their quest to eradicate the billions of cane toads wreaking havoc on our native wildlife and habitats.

10 June 2016

Researchers from The University of Queensland have identified a treatment target for aggressive forms of breast cancer.

23 March 2016
Researcher Maria Rondon and Associate Professor Carol Wicking

University of Queensland researchers are working to find causes and treatments for some of the world’s rarest diseases – which collectively affect more than 1.2 million Australians.

29 February 2016

An international team led by Australian researchers has studied the genetics of pancreatic cancer, revealing it is actually four separate diseases, each with different genetic triggers and survival rates.

25 February 2016
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Sea slug chromodoris annae. Pic: Deb Aston

Brightly coloured sea slugs are slurping deadly chemicals and stockpiling the most toxic compounds for use on their enemies.

20 January 2016
Robbie Wilson’s research will enhance understanding of how native species cope with changing natural environments

The Australian Research Council has awarded five new Future Fellows at The University of Queensland, from a total of only 50 awarded across the nation.

16 December 2015

The University of Queensland has teamed up with the Queensland Department of Health to bring researchers and clinicians together to take action against antibiotic resistance.

13 November 2015