A group of people standing on the steps of a building holding awards.

Champions of inclusive education have been celebrated at this year’s University of Queensland Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

2 November 2021
Burning fossil fuels

All eyes will be on Glasgow over the first two weeks of November as world leaders meet at the most important international climate summit in the past decade.

2 November 2021

A University of Queensland start-up company, developing a potential new treatment for obesity-related liver disease, has secured a seed investment of $1.3 million from IP Group, a UK-based intellectual property business.

20 October 2021
Professor Brenda Gannon from the waist up with UQ sandstone visible behind

A longitudinal study of Queensland families has found women on lower incomes are more likely to suffer with pre and post-natal depression.

11 October 2021
Businessman fixing his tie whilst looking at his reflection in a window

The more narcissistic the leader, the higher their interest in leadership theories, according to University of Queensland research.

30 October 2020
Consumer Directed Care is affecting mental health. Image: Pexels

Sweeping changes to national aged care funding in the past decade have resulted in worse mental health for older Australians, University of Queensland research shows.

30 September 2020
The research will help efficiently manage burgeoning health budgets in future

We all recognise holidays as discretionary spending – but how much of Australia’s $186 billion-plus annual healthcare expenditure is in the same category?

8 September 2020
Saliva could allow cheaper, easier testing -- and at home.

Saliva could be humanity’s best friend in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, University of Queensland researchers have found.

20 May 2020

A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
Health costs ... a big challenge for Australia. Image: iStock

The University of Queensland’s new Centre for the Business and Economics of Health has opened its doors and will host an international forum on health expenditure this week.

21 February 2017
Tim O’Hare invented SuperGold sweet corn, a variety that protects against macular eye degeneration

​Fruit, vegetables and nuts with particular health-giving benefits will be the focus of a $10 million research project at The University of Queensland.

23 November 2016
Protagonist Therapeutics founder Associate Professor Mark Smythe

Two companies founded on University of Queensland research have won acclaim at the National AusBiotech Conference in Melbourne.

31 October 2016
Bathing in the Ganges river. Photo: Rabin Chakrabarti

The University of Queensland’s leadership on water solutions will be heard by 3500 global delegates at the World Water Congress and Exhibition this week.

10 October 2016
Dr Kate Schroder, Deputy Director, IMB Centre for Inflammation Research

Inflazome Ltd, a company founded on research from The University of Queensland (UQ) and Trinity College Dublin, has closed a Series A financing round of up to €15 million (A$22 million).

12 September 2016
Dr Nick Gattas ... planning to combine digital innovation skills with his medical knowledge

A prestigious scholarship is helping University of Queensland alumnus Dr Nick Gattas pursue dreams of a prototype private hospital harnessing technology to treat chronic illness.

10 May 2016
UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj with alumni and donor Mr Paul Taylor.

A generous donation from two University of Queensland alumni will kick-start a new research centre focused on one of Australia’s most pressing problems – providing affordable and sustainable healthcare.

5 November 2015
The Nanopatch applicator and a large version of the patch.

Vaccine technology company Vaxxas has moved a step closer to achieving its goal of improving world health, thanks to a capital raising of $25 million.

10 February 2015
Leading health economist Professor Paul Frijters

The School of Economics is pleased to announce the appointment of a new staff member, Professor Paul Frijters.

8 March 2010

One of the founders of ePharmacy, Australia`s most successful online pharmacy will graduate from his business degree at The University of Queensland tomorrow.

19 July 2005