A flock of sheep grazing in a paddock

A chemical-free method of controlling flystrike in sheep is a step closer, according to University of Queensland research.

15 July 2024
A woman administering a vaccine to a cow

A vaccine developed at The University of Queensland has proven highly effective in early trials to address one of the country’s top cattle pests.

19 June 2024

A native bushfood has proven to be a promising natural alternative to synthetic chemicals used to preserve meat, according to University of Queensland research.

24 April 2024
Large cattle grazing in a grassy field

University of Queensland researchers say mRNA vaccine technology could play an important role in boosting livestock production to meet global food demands.

22 March 2024
 A bottle of solution sprayed onto a bush of green leaves

Researchers from The University of Queensland have developed a treatment that can both prevent and cure infection caused by an invasive fungal disease devastating native Australian plants.

14 February 2024
A close up of brown wattleseeds in a lab

A bushfood staple could be the centre of a new Indigenous industry, according to a University of Queensland researcher.

8 February 2024