headshot of researcher

Are Australia’s Sport for Development (SfD) programs embracing the grassroots involvement and self-determination of Indigenous communities, or are they more focused on ticking boxes?

23 September 2020
graphic depicting the structure of an inflammasome

A startup company developing treatments for inflammatory diseases based on a research partnership between The University of Queensland and Trinity College Dublin has been acquired in a landmark deal – one of the largest in Australian and Irish...

22 September 2020
Close up and terrifying: the deadly funnel web spider (Credit: Dr David Wilson).

A team of University of Queensland researchers has revealed why male funnel web spiders develop much deadlier venom than their female counterparts.

22 September 2020
Neon jellyfish in aquarium

Jellyfish could replace fish and chips on a new sustainable takeaway menu to help keep threatened species off the plate.

22 September 2020

Molecules from the venom of one of the world’s largest spiders could help University of Queensland-led researchers tailor pain blockers for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

21 September 2020

Research has found a proposal to regulate mining of Indigenous lands in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest could affect more than 863,000 square kilometres of forest and harm the nation’s economy.

21 September 2020
Close up of cellulose fibre network

The secret of how fibre shapes the structure of plant cell walls has been revealed, with potentially wide-ranging applications ranging from nutrition and health to agriculture.

17 September 2020
Teddy bear with arms crossed over its eyes.

Children who experience neglect are seven times more likely than other abuse victims to have a teen pregnancy say University of Queensland researchers.

17 September 2020

More than one quarter of asthma patients have been prescribed potentially dangerous amounts of steroid tablets, with researchers warning this puts them at greater risk of serious side-effects.

14 September 2020
UQ's Chris O'Brien with cryopreserved avocado shoot tips

The supply of smashed ‘avo’ is secure for generations after world-first research cryopreserved the tips of avocado shoots and then revived them to create healthy plants.

10 September 2020
Professor Trent Munro, Professor Paul Young and Assistant Professor Keith Chappell stand in the clinic with the first participants of the Phase I clinical trial of the UQ COVID-19 vaccine.

Global biotech company CSL Limited will supply the Australian Government with 51 million doses of The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate if it proves successful, under a heads of agreement announced today.

7 September 2020
Stock image: people holding glasses of alcohol to 'cheers'

An online system to monitor symptoms and cravings will help combat heavy drinking and alcohol use disorders, which affect about a third of Australian men and a quarter of women at some point in their life.

7 September 2020
Stock image

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help heart patients with their recovery and is more effective than moderate-intensity continuous training in the short term, according to University of Queensland research.

4 September 2020
Beach littered with plastic waste

The urgency of reducing single-use plastic in global supply chains has been highlighted by a University of Queensland study in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

4 September 2020
Stock image: A female doctor sitting with an elderly male patient

Improving communication treatment for stroke recoverees is the focus of a new research project at The University of Queensland, supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

4 September 2020
A close up of a parasitic wasp against a white background

Biological control of insect pests – where ‘natural enemies’ keep pests at bay – is saving farmers in Asia and the Pacific billions of dollars, according to University of Queensland-led research.

3 September 2020
Mine with blue water

Researchers have warned that mining threats to biodiversity caused by renewable energy production could surpass those averted by climate change mitigation.

2 September 2020

Mite extinctions are occurring at least 1,000 times the ‘natural’ rate – a finding a University of Queensland researcher says is another warning that global biodiversity is in deep trouble.

2 September 2020
RUbble Biodiversity Samplers (RUBS) deployed in dead rubble habitat on a coral reef in Palau to attract the great diversity of cryptic animals.

‘Dead’ coral rubble can support more animals than live coral, according to University of Queensland researchers trialling a high-tech sampling method.

1 September 2020
Stock image: two wines glasses with white wine on a table

University of Queensland researchers reveal how alcohol advertisers are using social media to prey on parents and encourage drinking as a way to cope with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

31 August 2020