The 3D Water Atlas compiles and analyses data from Surat Basin bores. Photo iStock

An open access Water Atlas has gone online, giving the general public a 3D view of groundwater data from eastern Australia’s Surat Basin.

9 December 2016
Hong Peng ... the new method has environmental and financial benefits

North Queensland has some of Earth’s largest known bauxite deposits, but their potential has largely remained locked in the ground, until now.

18 August 2016
The group of executives after the signing, in Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden.

Shanghai-based Baosteel Group will provide approximately $10 million in additional funds to continue the momentum of a successful research and development centre that combines the expertise of four Australian universities with the industrial...

29 March 2016
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
The Queensland node of the centre will be led by Professor Graeme Hammer from UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation.

Queensland scientists will play a key role in a new Australian research centre working to increase major food crop yields. University of Queensland researchers will form the Queensland node of the $22 million Australian Research Council Centre of...

24 October 2014

The University of Queensland’s Centre for Coal Seam Gas (CCSG) has attracted $3.25 million in funding to further its research capabilities.

15 August 2014

The University of Queensland’s Indooroopilly Experimental Mine focuses on the maintenance of our vegetation community by eradicating threats from exotic flora and fauna.

6 March 2012

The University of Queensland’s Dr Bill Clarke, is assessing the potential of bananas as an alternative energy source for North Queensland.

23 August 2004