Bathing in the Ganges river. Photo: Rabin Chakrabarti

The University of Queensland’s leadership on water solutions will be heard by 3500 global delegates at the World Water Congress and Exhibition this week.

10 October 2016

Climate forecasts to 2050 suggest sorghum is set to remain Queensland’s top crop as temperatures rise and rainfall decreases across the State.

16 November 2015
The water system in Manila was dramatically improved

Until 1997, water supplies in downtown Manila were beset with infrastructure problems such as leaks, widespread unauthorised access and contamination.

11 September 2015
The Queensland node of the centre will be led by Professor Graeme Hammer from UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation.

Queensland scientists will play a key role in a new Australian research centre working to increase major food crop yields. University of Queensland researchers will form the Queensland node of the $22 million Australian Research Council Centre of...

24 October 2014
Picture of food basket

Global food systems can no longer rely on “business as usual”, according to an internationally renowned economist visiting The University of Queensland this week. ...

18 August 2014
Research into soil composition in Nepal could benefit millions across the world.

Millions of starving people across the globe could benefit from the work of a University of Queensland student.

13 May 2014