
Researchers have shown why a fragment of a protein from the venom gland of rattlesnakes could be the basis for an alternative to conventional antibiotics.

15 March 2018
Assassin bug: photo Jiayi Jin

Venom researchers from The University of Queensland have uncovered a unique and complex venom system within the tiny assassin bug.

23 February 2018
An extra membrane camouflages Gram-negative bacteria from drugs and the immune system.

An antibiotic overlooked since its discovery 40 years ago could help develop new drugs against life-threatening infections caused by some of the world’s most dangerous superbugs.

26 January 2018
Professor Jian Yang

Massive banks of genetic information are being harnessed to shed new light on modifiable health risks that underlie common diseases.

16 January 2018
Dr Mark Blaskovich ... the number of patients dying from vancomycin-resistant bacteria prompted his team to look at revitalising old antibiotics.

An old drug supercharged by UQ researchers has emerged as a new antibiotic that could destroy some of the world’s most dangerous superbugs.

5 January 2018

Researchers have new insights into how protective antibodies attack dengue viruses, which could lead to more effective dengue fever vaccines and drug therapies.

19 December 2017
Close to half of UQ’s 2018 funding will go to the Faculty of Medicine, accounting for $20 million across 18 projects.

University of Queensland research into dementia, cancer, superbugs, painkillers, and children’s health are among 51 projects that will benefit from National Health and Medical Research Council 2018 Project Grant funding announced today.

6 December 2017
UQ's Emma Livingstone in Kowanyama for the 2017 program

A program that engages rural Australian communities with science also boosts visibility and career development for women researchers, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

20 October 2017
Brisbane's William Jolly Bridge

Intricate laboratory images of a blood vessel network as seen under the microscope are being projected on Brisbane’s William Jolly Bridge until Monday.

29 September 2017
Dr Abishek lyer

University of Queensland researchers are one step closer to developing new medicines for treating inflammatory diseases, including allergies such as rhinitis, itchy hives, asthma, eczema and dermatitis.

4 September 2017
Konstantinos Vavitsas is exploring the potential of cyanobacteria

Advancing research in fields as diverse as manufacturing, human health, agriculture and the protection of ecosystems will be the aim of a $13 million investment by CSIRO in which UQ features heavily.

17 August 2017
L-R: Dr Amanda Millar, Dr Laura Genovesi and Professor Brandon Wainwright

An international team of researchers has found a drug previously approved to treat breast cancer could also be used to shrink medulloblastoma, a common form of childhood brain tumour.

14 August 2017
Dr Michael Taylor from UQ's School of Biomedical Sciences,

A physicist and a chemist from The University of Queensland will network with Nobel Prize winners at the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting later this month.

8 June 2017
Endometriosis affects one in 10 women and can cause severe pelvic pain

In the world’s largest study into the genetic causes of endometriosis, University of Queensland researchers have helped identify five new gene regions linked to the disease.

25 May 2017
UQ Associate Professor Ben Hogan

Repairing damaged heart and vascular tissues will be the unique focus of a new University of Queensland research centre, established to combat cardiovascular disease.

2 May 2017
Dr Ben Hogan with some of his zebrafish tanks

The brain has its own inbuilt processes for mopping up damaging cellular waste – and these processes may provide protection from stroke and dementia.

2 May 2017
Antibiotic resistance is a global issue

Global leaders in the fight against antibiotic resistance will gather in Brisbane next week (3-5 April) for the University of Queensland-hosted Solutions for Drug-Resistant Infections (SDRI) conference.

31 March 2017
Stroke claims six million lives worldwide each year

A small protein that could protect the brain from stroke-induced injury has been discovered by researchers from The University of Queensland and Monash University.

21 March 2017
Uncontrolled inflammation can cause pain and drive disease

University of Queensland researchers have discovered a molecular trigger for inflammation that could lead to new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and neurodegenerative diseases.

19 January 2017
Darren Brown. Image credit: UQ IMB.

A $2.3M grant from The Australian Cancer Research Foundation is being awarded to UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience today to establish the new ACRF Cancer Ultrastructure and Function Facility.

15 November 2016