Industrial plant on the water

University of Queensland, Oxford and Princeton researchers have developed a “test” to measure if businesses are on track to meet Paris Agreement climate action goals, and so far the results are not promising.

11 August 2022
A woman in a blue dress holding a trophy

Two University of Queensland alumni, who have helped shaped the state, have been named among this year’s Queensland Greats.

7 June 2022
A pick lying on black rock

Studying ancient ocean floors could help discover minerals needed to produce electric cars and solar panels.

3 June 2022
A man at a lecturn waving and a woman in a red dress watching on.

The ALP will rightly bask in this election victory. As the party’s Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek put it Saturday night: a win is a win is a win.

23 May 2022
The outside of the Andrew N. Liveris building.

An innovative new building at The University of Queensland is more than just smart architecture - it has the potential to unlock ways for Australia to transition to a sustainable, zero-emissions economy.

13 April 2022
A woman holding a metal rod, with a man in suit looking on.

A Brisbane startup company founded on University of Queensland technology to monitor the health of electricity network transformers has been acquired by French multinational Schneider Electric in a multi-million-dollar deal.

5 April 2022
Two trains on railway tracks

The University of Queensland has teamed up with Australia’s largest rail freight operator, Aurizon, on a research project to help reduce the carbon emissions of the company’s locomotive fleet.

6 January 2022
Burning fossil fuels

All eyes will be on Glasgow over the first two weeks of November as world leaders meet at the most important international climate summit in the past decade.

2 November 2021
Participants in the signing ceremony on the steps of UQ's Forgan Smith building

Mining engineering education will enter a new era with an agreement signed between Mitsubishi Development (MDP) and The University of Queensland.

27 October 2021
Three men in suits standing in UQ's Great Court.

An urgent increase in policy support and investment would be needed for carbon capture and storage (CCS) to achieve the scale needed to meet global decarbonisation goals, according to University of Queensland and Princeton University researchers.

26 October 2021
Revegetation underway at a red mud site near Gladstone

Technology that could rehabilitate mine waste back to useful soil is entering full-scale trials at two Queensland sites.

16 September 2021
Two men standing in front of a staircase

Two first-year University of Queensland students are the inaugural recipients of the Warwick Solar Farm – Bright Futures Scholarship, an annual investment in the Southern Downs community.

13 August 2021
Collage of various synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy images of hyperaccumulator plants. The colours denote different elements. This data was acquired on the X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy beamline of the Australian Synchrotron (part of ANSTO), Victoria, Australia.

Harvesting plants that can absorb metal from the ground may offer a sustainable solution for mining and rehabilitation according to research underway at The University of Queensland.

12 August 2021
An artists impression of the new material, with nitrogen atoms included in two layers of honeycomb-patterned graphene.

As silicon-based technology reaches its absolute limits, a material engineered by University of Queensland researchers could herald the next generation of electronics with more memory, faster speeds and advanced features.

8 July 2021
Researchers hold up the battery with a pair of tweezers

Faster-charging and more sustainable batteries with a life up to three times greater than lithium ion are being built with technology developed at The University of Queensland.

23 April 2021

Growing demand for metals necessary for the transition to a low carbon future will lead to more mining in high-risk areas, according to University of Queensland research.

28 September 2020

Indigenous teenagers at remote schools rarely have opportunities to envision themselves in science, technology, engineering and maths careers – but one young Wiradjuri woman has found a path.

20 August 2020

Australia’s renewable energy research capacity has been boosted with the completion of The University of Queensland’s 64 megawatt solar farm at Warwick in the state’s south east.

17 July 2020
Faure Island in Shark Bay, Western Australia (Credit: Graham Fulton)

Artificial watering points in rangelands are posing an increasing threat to surrounding biodiversity long after the removal of livestock, according to University of Queensland research.

7 July 2020
UQ's battery bank is lit green when it is charging. When discharging, it lights up blue.

Installing the state’s largest behind-the-meter battery has saved The University of Queensland almost $74,000 in electricity costs in three months.

20 May 2020