Colourful coral on the ocean floor, surrounded by small fish and blue water in the background.

UQ-led research has shown there is more coral reef area across the globe than previously thought, with detailed satellite mapping helping to conserve these vital ecosystems.

14 February 2024
 A bottle of solution sprayed onto a bush of green leaves

Researchers from The University of Queensland have developed a treatment that can both prevent and cure infection caused by an invasive fungal disease devastating native Australian plants.

14 February 2024
A photo of hands typing on the keyboard of a laptop, with a coffee cup in the background.

University of Queensland researchers have found there are two key reasons people choose to be anonymous online – self-expression or toxic behaviour.

24 January 2024
A close up a hand turning on a kitchen tap, filling a glass with water.

Researchers have found Queenslanders from lower socio-economic areas are at higher risk of dental disease due to a lack of fluoridated water.

22 January 2024
A photo of a murky body of water with black tadpoles in it.

UQ researchers have discovered a previously unknown mechanism that allows tadpoles in cold environments to mitigate the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation.

19 January 2024
A photo of an array of leaf, powder and pill drugs in plastic bags on a black background.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have launched the world’s biggest drug survey, to gain insight into drug use around the globe.

10 January 2024
A graphic showing a space background with colourful rings.

An international project mapping millions of galaxies has provided a ‘tantalising’ insight into the mysteries of dark energy and could reshape our understanding of the history of the Universe, according to a leading UQ astrophysicist.

9 January 2024
A view across white and grey coral underwater

Record breaking marine heatwaves will cause devastating mass coral bleaching worldwide in the next few years, according to a University of Queensland coral reef scientist.

8 December 2023
A sketch showing a polluted environment on one side merging to a greener city on the right.

A UQ-led industry survey has found Australian architects are worried about the climate crisis and frustrated by barriers to action but are confident the profession can contribute to a sustainable future.

30 November 2023
A rounded fluoro blue and green brain-like structure floating in the foreground against a black background.

University of Queensland researchers have found a way to reverse a cellular process triggered by COVID-19 that contributes to premature ageing of the brain.

22 November 2023
An outback Australian landscape of red earth and a blue sky with a mound of black sticks shaped in a dome in the foreground.

A University of Queensland-led research team says the key to a more sustainable food future may be a better understanding of ancient Indigenous food production systems.

10 November 2023
A male scientist working in a laboraty

The University of Queensland’s small molecule drug discovery facility will open its doors to researchers from across Australia for the first time thanks to a National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) funding injection.

31 October 2023
Two people stand smiling in front of banners at an awards night, one of them is holding an award.

Associate Professor Carissa Klein, who is working to improve sustainability in the fishing and seafood industries, has been named the 2023 Queensland Young Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year.

19 October 2023
A woman sitting across from a man at a table, the man looks as though he is laughing while the woman is smiling

University of Queensland research has found being funny or having a good sense of humour doesn’t necessarily make you more attractive to potential partners.

18 October 2023
A person in a blue button-down shirt is pulling apart a toasted cheese sandwich, with strings of melted cheese between the two sides.

Next-generation milk, cheese and yoghurt ingredients produced using precision fermentation will be among the first developed by Australia’s Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA).

12 October 2023
An orange orangutan swinging on a branch in thick jungle

University of Queensland research has found despite considerable conservation efforts, the illegal killing of critically endangered orangutans on Borneo may be an ongoing threat to the species.

11 October 2023
Gloved hands are on a person's bare back with fair skin, inspecting moles.

Researchers from UQ and The Alfred hospital in Melbourne have identified gene variants which may contribute to people being at higher risk for nodular melanoma.

4 October 2023
An underwater photo of a coral reef showing algal overgrowth.

UQ researchers are developing a web-based management program capable of mapping ocean water pollution almost as it happens.

4 October 2023
Three women of different ethnicities posing and smiling

University of Queensland research has found ethnicity plays a significant role in determining a woman’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes after early menopause.

26 September 2023
A close up image of trays of pink pills in production.

UQ researchers have identified a novel drug target with the potential to overcome drug resistance and prevent tumour regrowth in cancer patients.

21 September 2023