31 January 2013

The University of Queensland has presented the UQ Student Union with the findings of an audit into the Union’s operations.

The University encourages the Union to publish these findings.

University managers have also met with Union representatives to discuss how the University can ensure the Union improves its governance and management practices in the future.

In September last year, the University appointed independent auditor BDO Pty Ltd to investigate the finances, regulations, processes and procedures of the Union, after students raised concerns with the University.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Høj said today the University wished to address and resolve the recommendations of the audit with the Union, and to restore confidence in the independent Union’s management and governance.

“We believe the audit findings should be communicated to the public by the Union soon and no later than early March,” Professor Høj said.

The audit was delivered to the Union on January 30, and the University has asked for the Union’s response by February 22.

The Union is an independent body that provides valuable support and services to the student body, and representation on their behalf.

“Even though the Union is independent from the University, it is important we have 100 per cent confidence in the governance of a group that acts on behalf of our students,” said Professor Høj.

“The University provides the facilities that enable the Union to generate significant funds to offer these services, and we are obliged to ensure all funds are accounted for.”

Professor Høj called for patience while the matter was being resolved in a fair and considered manner. He encouraged all parties to be transparent in their communications.

“This is a complex matter that we do not expect to be resolved overnight, therefore we do ask for patience and understanding from the student and wider communities,” he said.

“This process will help us understand how we can work with the Union more closely in future, and to ensure fair, open and transparent processes are in place and working.

The Union has the opportunity and obligation to address the issues on those terms.”

Media: Anna Bednarek, UQ Communications, 07 3346 7691 or a.bednarek@uq.edu.au