New UQ Press CEO Jill Eddington
New UQ Press CEO Jill Eddington
16 January 2017

A commitment to unearthing and publishing great Australian writers is a driving force for new University of Queensland Press Chief Executive Officer, Jill Eddington.

Ms Eddington is currently Arts Practice Director Literature at the Australia Council for the Arts. She will join UQP on 6 March.

“I am very honoured and excited by the opportunity to lead UQP into the future,” Ms Eddington said.

“I believe it is undoubtedly one of the great independent publishing companies in Australia.

“UQP plays a significant role in the cultural life of Australia, of Queensland and within The University of Queensland.

“It has been responsible for publishing some of the greatest Australian writers over almost 70 years, including Thea Astley, David Malouf, Kate Grenville and Melissa Lucashenko, to mention just a few, and has a brilliant current list featuring some of Australia’s best contemporary writers.

“Importantly, its commitment to publishing Indigenous writing is second to none. 

“I plan to continue to grow this reputation under my leadership.”

Ms Eddington’s appointment followed an extensive search, and recognised her long history of engagement with UQP and her understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the publishing industry.

Ms Eddington has worked with the wider literature sector for the past four years in her role with the Australia Council for the Arts, making significant contributions to the nation’s vibrant literary culture.

She provided art form expertise in relation to grants and initiatives and contributed to whole-of-organisation programs, including the Cultural Engagement Framework. In particular she advocated on behalf of the literature sector and provided key links between the Australia Council, writers and the publishing sector.

Ms Eddington has worked with the State Library of Queensland and Arts Northern Rivers, and was director for the Byron Bay Writers Festival from 1999 to 2006.

A UQ spokesperson thanked UQP Acting CEO Madonna Duffy, who will remain with the organisation in the role of publisher.

“UQ would like to acknowledge Madonna for her invaluable support during this transition period."

Media: UQ Communications,, +61 (0) 7 3345 3439.