Dr Wilson ... has had an outstanding career by combining her talents in finance, banking and medicine
Dr Wilson ... has had an outstanding career by combining her talents in finance, banking and medicine
9 September 2016

University of Queensland deputy chancellor Dr Jane Wilson has been presented with the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ 2016 Gold Medal Award.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj congratulated Dr Wilson and said the award was richly deserved.

“This is a great and fitting recognition of Jane, who has built an outstanding career by combining her knowledge and talents in finance, banking and medicine,” Professor Høj said.

“Jane has been an exemplary member of UQ’s governing council, the Senate, since 2006. Her Senate peers elected her Deputy Chancellor in 2014, and she was acting Chancellor for the first half of 2016.

“Jane is passionate about serving her alma mater, and we are very proud that she is the second UQ senator since 2012 to receive this prestigious AICD gold medal.”

Former UQ Chancellor Mr John Story AO received the AICD gold medal award in 2012.

Dr Wilson is a registered General Practitioner and holds a UQ medical degree and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School.

She has more than 20 years of boardroom experience as a director of companies, government-owned corporations and non-profit organisations.

AICD Queensland president Dr Sally Pitkin said Dr Wilson was a person of great integrity and commitment.

“Jane has applied her diverse executive experiences and capabilities to her non-executive director roles, and has made significant and lasting contributions across all sectors of our community,” Dr Pitkin said.

“In particular, she has contributed to the development of good governance practices and the support and education of company directors through her roles as president of the Institute's Queensland Divisional Council and as a member of the national board.”

In addition to Dr Wilson’s UQ Senate role, her current board appointments are:

  • Guardian, Future Fund
  • Non-executive director, Sonic Healthcare Ltd
  • Finance director, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
  • Non-executive director, General Sir John Monash Foundation
  • Non-executive director, Opal Aged Care Ltd

Her previous board appointments are:

• Member, Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council

• Member, Arts Investment Advisory Board (Queensland)

• Non-executive director, BUPA Australia Ltd

• Non-executive director, Universal Biosensors Inc

• Non-executive director, CathRx Ltd

• Chair, IMBcom Ltd

• Non-executive director, Australian Institute of Company Directors

• Inaugural chair, Horticulture Australia Ltd

• Non-executive director, Energex Ltd (formerly SEQEB)

• Member, Conoco Australia Ltd Advisory Board

• Non-executive director, National Archives of Australia Advisory Board

• Non-executive director, WorkCover Queensland

• Member, Premier’s Smart State Council (Queensland)

• Non-executive director, Bligh Ventures Ltd

• Non-executive director, Protagonist Ltd

• Member, Queensland Biotechnology Task Force

• Non-executive director, Agen Biotech Ltd

• Member, Royal Brisbane Hospital Research Foundation

Learn more about the UQ Senate and its members.

Media: Fiona Cameron, UQ Communications, +61 7 3346 7086, communications@uq.edu.au.