The Director of UQ's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education Christine Bundesen
The Director of UQ's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education Christine Bundesen
22 September 2010

The Director of UQ's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ) has been honoured by the peak industry body for English language training.

Christine Bundesen received the inaugural English Australia (EA) Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Service to the ELICOS Industry on September 17.

The award, presented at the annual EA conference, recognises the contribution made by Ms Bundesen to the professionalism and reputation of the ELICOS industry in Australia across three decades.

"For the 28 years the ELICOS association has been in existence there has been one constant and that has been Christine Bundesen," outgoing EA Chairperson Associate Professor Seamus Fagan said.

Ms Bundesen established the organisation as an informal association in 1982 and oversaw its incorporation in 1990 and continued growth to become the industry's peak body and professional association. She was also the convener from 1989-1990, inaugural Chair for the first 11 years of the association and an ongoing council member.

Dr Fagan commended Ms Bundesen's role as an advocate for the ELICOS sector to government, particularly in the negotiation of the first ESOS Act in 2000, and her contributions to the drafting of the first National ELT Accreditation System (NEAS) standards in 1991.

He also cited Ms Bundesen's considerable achievements as Director of ICTE-UQ, which has grown from enrolling just three students in 1981 to thousands annually across a diverse range of programs.

Media: Frances Wickerson at ICTE-UQ (07 3346 6709,