The Biological Sciences Library
The Biological Sciences Library
19 May 2010

When the UQ Library started opening one of its branches until midnight during semester, students responded enthusiastically. Now it is going one better in the lead up to exams.

The Biological Sciences Library will be open all night, every night from Monday, May 24 until Thursday, June 24.

"We knew that students wanted more access to library spaces and were confident that the space would be well-used, but even we were surprised by the fact that we had more than 200 students using the space between 9pm and midnight on the first Friday night of late night opening," said University Librarian and Director of Learning Services, Keith Webster.

"We seek feedback from students regularly and we know that students like to study in the library, we saw continued heavy use of the branch, and we heard repeated requests from students to keep the trial going."

In 2008, opening until midnight was offered as a trial at the Biological Sciences Library.

Midnight closing is now the norm at the branch.

The library has started to open up more of its branches around-the-clock, with 24-hour spaces available in the Dorothy Hill Physical Sciences and Engineering Library at St Lucia, and at the UQ Gatton Library.

President of the UQ Union, Mr Michael Zivcic, congratulated the Library on the extended library hours.

The Library is confident that the initiative to open the Biological Sciences Library longer will be popular with students who need to do an ‘all-nighter’ in the lead-up to exams.