5 December 2000

The University of Queensland's Professor of Information Systems, Ron Weber, is the winner of the 2000 Prime Minister's Australian Award for Individual University Teacher of the Year.

The Federal Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Dr David Kemp, presented the prestigious award to Professor Weber at a ceremony at Parliament House, Canberra today. It was one of three awards won by the University today - more than any other Australian university.

This is the fourth consecutive year that The University of Queensland has won national awards for teaching since the awards were established in 1997.

Co-winner of the 2000 Prime Minister's Australian Award for University Teacher of the Year is the Professional Writing and Communication Teaching Team from the University of South Australia

Professor Weber also won the Economics, Business and Related Studies category and was selected for the Prime Minister's Award from the five other category winners. He collected $35,000 as co-winner of the 2000 Prime Minister's Australian Award for University Teacher of the Year, and $40,000 for his outright Economics, Business and Related Studies category win.

He is widely recognised as one of the leading teachers and researchers at the UQ Business School, having been ranked at either at the top or in the top two teaching evaluation levels (TEVALS) in the Commerce Department over the past 12 years.

Professor Weber's innovative use of technology within classes has ensured his programs attract large numbers of students.

He has also supervised 14 completed PhD graduates - seven of these are now full or associate professors at Australian, Singaporean and US universities.

Professor Weber is the author of the world's leading textbook on computer auditing and, as an internationally recognised researcher, he is able to bring leading-edge material into the classroom to greatly enhance his teaching.

He also played an important role in developing the e-commerce program at UQ Ipswich.

University of Queensland Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay congratulated Professor Weber on receiving the honour.

"Professor Weber is known and respected not only in his department and at the University, but also within his discipline throughout Australia and the world," Professor Hay said.

"It is fitting that he be recognised for his outstanding contribution by receiving the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a university teacher."

The Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) were established by the Commonwealth Government to celebrate and reward excellence in university teaching.

Meanwhile, The University of Queensland's Library has won the an award for its computing help and training service, AskIT. view media release.

For more information contact Peter McCutcheon at UQ Communications on 0413 380 012.